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Re: [Ghm-discuss] GHM in India

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: [Ghm-discuss] GHM in India
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 14:58:10 +0200
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 08:47:52AM +0530, address@hidden wrote:
     Im interested in helping them organize one in India.  Let me know how I 
can help you.

There are several aspects to organising GHM.

1.  You need to find an auditorium - it need not be fancy, but somewhere with
an overhead projector and enough seats for everyone.   So this place
whereever it is must be booked well in advance.

2.  You need to make arrangements for somewhere for people to eat and
sleep - either make sure that everyone can get a hotel that suits them,
or (better) if it can be in the same establishment as the auditorium,
then it's easier for all concerned.

3.  Having made those arrangements, you will need to announce GHM in
sufficient time in advance.  Remember people will have to book flights etc.
Promoting the event can be one of the most time consuming aspects!
It's also important that you keep everyone updated after they have

4.  You will need to keep a list of everyone who has registered, to attend,
and (if applicable) paid their money.

5.  In the past, we have offered financial assistance to people who
cannot otherwise attend.    Applications must be considered, approved etc.

6.  You will need to organise the talks.  Who is talking about what, and
for how long?

Some of those tasks can be delegated to others.

GHM 2019 is already being organised.  Personally I think a GHM in India
would be great, but I don't know what other people think?

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