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Re: Can't make gnokii work

From: Rodolfo Medina
Subject: Re: Can't make gnokii work
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 13:56:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On 8/4/06, Rodolfo Medina <address@hidden> wrote:

> I'm looking for a mobile phone management utility that work under
> Debian Sarge stable (kernel 2.4). 
> I installed `gnokii' with `apt-get', but can't make it work: 
> I plug the phone (a Nokia 6630) with its usb cable, 
> then start gnokii with:
>>  $ gnokii --getphonebook SM 1
>> , but:
>>  GNOKII Version 0.6.5
>>  Telephone interface init failed: Command timed out.
>>  Quitting.
>> . Please any help? What am I missing?

"Pawel Kot" <address@hidden> writes:

> Certainly you miss recent version. What you use is more than 1 year old.
> Please also refer to the documentation what information is needed for
> us to help you with sloving problems.

Could you point out that documentation?

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