2010/11/24 Karsten Hilbert
(@Basti: Can you send him a link how to install the font
manually ? Perhaps a (new?) page on the Wiki ?)
Hello Andrea,
thanks for your report.
> client version: 0.8.2
You may want to try using 0.8.4 which has fixed a few bugs.
> 2010-11-22 19:49:32 ERROR gm.main (c:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outpyz1.pyz\gnumed.wxpython.gmguimain::__init__() #107): cannot set font from [ms shell dlg 2 windows-1252] (0;-11;0;0;0;400;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;MS Shell Dlg 2) to [DejaVu Sans]
You may want to install this font to get better display
results regarding Unicode characters.
The problem you see:
> 2010-11-22 19:53:42 ERROR gm.db (c:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outpyz1.pyz\logging::exception() #1021): error running RW query
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.pycommon.gmPG2", line 1106, in run_rw_queries
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/psycopg2.extras", line 88, in execute
> IntegrityError: insert or update on table "encounter" violates foreign key constraint "encounter_fk_patient_fkey"
> DETAIL: Key (fk_patient)=(505) is not present in table "identity".
> 2010-11-22 19:53:42 ERROR gm.person (c:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outpyz1.pyz\logging::exception() #1021): error changing active patient to [[cIdentity:505]: [u'comment: NULL', u'pk_emergency_contact: NULL', 'pk_identity: >>505<<', u'karyotype: NULL', u'emergency_contact: NULL', u'title: >>Doctor<<', 'xmin_identity: >>308339<<', u'tob: NULL', u'pk_marital_status: NULL', 'pk_active_name: >>524<<', 'dob_only: >>2005-10-24 07:11:11.111000-02:00<<', u'preferred: NULL', u"firstnames: >>D'Alessandro<<", 'dob: >>2005-10-24 07:11:11.111000-02:00<<', u'gender: >>m<<', u'marital_status: >>unknown<<', u'l10n_marital_status: >>unknown<<', u'l10n_gender: >>m<<', u'cob: NULL', u'lastnames: >>Andrea<<', u'pupic: NULL', u'deceased: NULL']]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmPerson", line 2004, in set_active_patient
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmPerson", line 1178, in __init__
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmPerson", line 1099, in get_emr
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmClinicalRecord", line 118, in __init__
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmClinicalRecord", line 1592, in __initiate_active_encounter
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmClinicalRecord", line 1718, in start_new_encounter
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.business.gmEMRStructItems", line 1186, in create_encounter
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/Gnumed.pycommon.gmPG2", line 1106, in run_rw_queries
> File "C:\workplace\gnumed-client.0.8.2\build\pyi.win32\setup\outPYZ1.pyz/psycopg2.extras", line 88, in execute
> IntegrityError: insert or update on table "encounter" violates foreign key constraint "encounter_fk_patient_fkey"
> DETAIL: Key (fk_patient)=(505) is not present in table "identity".
Is very likely due to intermittent connection errors over
the trans-oceanic internet link because that key DOES exist:
pk_audit | row_version | modified_when | modified_by | pk | deleted | pupic | gender | karyotype | dob | fk_marital_status | cob | deceased | title | tob | emergency_contact | fk_emergency_contact | comment
20649 | 1 | 2010-10-24 09:59:51.671113+02 | any-doc | 505 | f | | m | | 2005-10-24 11:11:11.111+02 | | | | Doctor | | | |
(1 Zeile)
I guess you'll have more luck with a local database. Rogerio
may be able to give you some hints.
GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346