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Re: [gpsd-users] Earthmate Hyperformance

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] Earthmate Hyperformance
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:11:00 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR <address@hidden>:
> Can gpsd help me convert its output from rockwell to NMEA?

gpsd will read from a GPS that speaks Rockwell and give you JSON
reports.  There is a way to make GPSD generate synthetic NMEA from
these but *don't do it* - those reports are defective compared to
the JSON because NMEA us so badly designed.

> Can gpsd help me get PPS output from the receiver for NTP purposes?

                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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