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Re: [Health] Restore data to new installation

From: Axel Braun
Subject: Re: [Health] Restore data to new installation
Date: Fri, 06 May 2022 16:58:27 +0200

Hello Yusif,

Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2022, 15:50:39 CEST schrieb Yusif Suleiman:

> To create the db user associated to gnuhealth user, follow the same
> steps as in the installation guide
> See:
> User
> I create the db user gnuhealth following the steps as in wiki.
> # su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser
> gnuhealth"

Looks like you were trapped in the ditch between vanilla and package based 
installation. From your original post:

> Both installations are of the same system version (Opensuse leap 13.5,
> gnuhealth 3.8.0-lp153.4.3.1, gnuhealth client 3.8.1-bp153.2.4).

-> you should follow the guidelines from the package based installation, 
described in the wiki

as well as in the documentation delivered with the installation in

Create an empty database:
su postgres

createdb mydb --encoding='UTF-8' --owner=tryton

psql mydb < backup_Fitrah_DB_2022-04-18_143054 

(or what your backup is called)


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