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[Koha-devel] irc meeting today 2200GMT

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: [Koha-devel] irc meeting today 2200GMT
Date: Thu Aug 29 06:30:04 2002

Hello all,
this is the final reminder that we're going to be having our (irregularly
scheduled) irc meeting today at 2200 GMT.  Due to a job interview
(yay!!!), I'll not be able to attend (boo!!!).  I'd expect that you'll not
miss me too much.  Perhaps Si or Nick can conduct the meeting.

I'd recommend something like this for the agenda (if I've missed
something, please speak up).  This does look a little bit long, if it's
too long, perhaps we should hit part of it this week and part via email.

:::proposed agenda:::
Coding Issues
   Templating issues
   finding ppl to help paul with 1.4
   possible shift to savannah
   new developers
   ewan's work on documenting Koha Requirements
   creating Bundle::KohaSupport for installing needed Perl modules
    Is this something we ought to pursue?
   Nelsonville Public Library projects
    Is this kind of involvement a good thing?  (I think so)  How do we
    integrate projects like these?  How do we encourage more libraries
    to do the same kind of thing?  Is there a better method than RFPs?
    (Maybe posting a bounty for successful completion of certain

   OK on "2 person" rule for a supported translation
   translations list

   Ideas/suggestions, comments on update procedure
   Installer vs. manual
   Current "open support topics":
       stand-alone machines/semi-standalones,
       windows config.
   New document idea -- 'Migrating to Koha'
     Should we put together a guide to migrating to Koha?  I'm thinking
     that it should start out with general issues, then move on to
     specifics on a system by system basis.

   Features timetable
   Handling support
   When to start deprecating work on 1.2.X and shunting ppl to 1.4
   Oct 23-24 Ohio Library Association Meeting
     Nelsonville is going to be making a report on using Open Source in
     libraries, and will be featuring Koha.  How can we help them?
     Linux Journal has expressed interest in a story about libraries
     using Koha.  They've requested pictures and have offered up cover
     story status for a sufficiently compelling piece/picture.  pate
     will work on outlining and writing, but would like to drop in
     some interview bits and some timelines from successfule
     implementations (input/advice/criticism/etc. welcomed).
   Press Page
     Do we want to put a press page (contacts, links to stories, etc)
     on www.koha.org?

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