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[Koha-devel] Framework authorities setup in MARC21-Problem

From: Desarrollo Koha
Subject: [Koha-devel] Framework authorities setup in MARC21-Problem
Date: Tue Aug 23 16:26:27 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

I am involved in a project to migrate a self made ILS system to koha in the "Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Sevilla (SPAIN)" and we have some "configuration issues" :-)

We have set up the opac interface for searching at the library, but we still have the librarian on the old application (with weekly dumps --> restores into Koha).We have a reasonable method to export data fron the actual system and import into koha via the bulkmarcimport.pl script.

The problem we have is with the setup of the authorities on the librarian interface.

I have read "all/most of " the docs we have, but I do not understand how it works and how to configure the framework.

We need a system to limit authors / subjects / publishers to a predefined list of values but the "authorised values" is not enogh.

If somebody could point me to a "howto" or some other document y have not found yet, it will be very appreciated.

Thank you for your help.
Pablo Villanueva

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