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Re: [Koha-devel] What Server Specs do YOU run Koha on?

From: Cindy Murdock
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] What Server Specs do YOU run Koha on?
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:09:03 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)


At CCFLS our server has 80gb disk space with dual 2.0ghz processors and 6gb memory. Presently we have about 120,000 items in the collection between two libraries with about 800 circs per day total. Server performance has been good. Occasionally we experience slow responsiveness, but that seems to be due to either a slow Internet connection at the branch library or occasional issues with our thin clients.


Cindy Murdock
Network Administrator
Meadville Public Library    | CCFLS
http://meadvillelibrary.org | http://ccfls.org

Joshua Ferraro wrote:
Hiya folks,

Recently we've had a lot of people ask about recommended server specs
for Koha. This is a tough question to answer because it comes loaded with
assumptions about the size of the collection, transaction load, etc. So I was
wondering if those of you who are running Koha in your libraries could just
post a quick email to the list saying how large your collection is, number of
transactions, what server specs you use (proc speed, RAM, disk space, etc.),
and how the performance has been for you ... and then we can compile
that as part of the FAQ.


Cindy Murdock
Network Administrator
Meadville Public Library    | CCFLS
http://meadvillelibrary.org | http://ccfls.org

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