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Re: [Koha-devel] Circulate by callnumber

From: Jose Miguel Parrella Romero
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Circulate by callnumber
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:36:29 -0430
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20071009)

Joshua Ferraro escribió:
> On 1/27/08, Jose Miguel Parrella Romero <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've been told it's considered near-sacrilegy, but I would like to write
>> a patch for Koha that allows staff to circulate items by callnumber.
> Why not just store whatever it is you are calling 'callnumber' in the barcode
> field?

That's what we're doing ATM (storing callnumber in 952k) but the library
wants to start using item barcodes progressively so the process
involving editing an item each time it's being circulated in order to
change the callnumber for the real barcode is 'slow'.

Of course, this is the most inmediate approach. Thanks for your feedback!

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