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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] French Prime Minister issued a circular letter

From: Aurélien
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] French Prime Minister issued a circular letter in favor of the use of free software by government
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 07:51:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

It's positive, but I have notice some misanderstood of Open Source and
Free Software ->

+1 for the Légion d'Honneur to RMS!

"" <> writes:

> Here are the URLs of the letter :
> On 09/29/2012 07:21 AM, wrote:
>> This is an extremely good news !!
>> Note that he says GNU/Linux, the real name, to talk about the whole system.
>> And so, he uses the 4 freedoms to explain what is Free Software.
>> The "funny" thing  is that he defines Free Software as an "intellectual
>> property model", so we have to explain why saying “Intellectual
>> Property” is not relevant...
>> Anyway, as a French citizen, I ask president Hollande to make Richard
>> Stallman a chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur :)
>> On 09/29/2012 01:03 AM, Thomas Harding wrote:
>>> [please forgive my English]
>>> French Prime Minister issued a circular letter in favor of the use of
>>> free software by government
>>> entitled "Guidelines for the use of free software in government", the
>>> short letter from French Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault presents a
>>> work from the DISIC (IT direction for government).
>>> Notably:
>>>   * They recommends Free Software usage, also Free Software support by
>>> contractors
>>>   * They expressly define Free Software as the 4 freedoms defined by FSF
>>>   * They define Free software as *a model of intellectual property*
>>>   * They warns on such Free Software owned by a single company
>>>   * They define use cases on forks (see also above point: MySQL,
>>> Open/LibreOffice, ...)
>>>   * They recommends to joint software development communities as an
>>> organization more than as individual (some arguments are specious here:
>>> participate, give patches, ..., is OK, but give an orientation...)
>>>   * They strongly recommends mutual development in government branches
>>>   * They recommends to give back to Free Software 5 to 10 percents of
>>> savings compared to a proprietary (fr: privatrice -- is not used) solution.
>>>   * They defined working groups
>>> Ref: PRMX1234912C
>>> <>
>>> (paste the document reference in form field -- search "NOR" on right side)

Ride Free! Ride

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