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Re: Add a property `jianpuBeaming` needed to support Jianpu (numbered mu

From: yuanyelele
Subject: Re: Add a property `jianpuBeaming` needed to support Jianpu (numbered musical notation).
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 05:18:31 +0200 (CEST)

This is the first page of “中花六板” (Zhong Hua Liu Ban), a version for Xiao and 
Erhu. I think the reference typesetting is far from perfect aesthetically, but 
it is from maybe the largest body of Jianpu literature: “中国民间音乐集成 Collection of 
Traditional Chinese Folk Music <>”. The 
example music is from “instrumental music collection - Shanghai volume”.

I agree with you that it is better to use a sans-serif digits font for the 
Jianpu numbers.

I am currently working on typesetting the grace notes, which are commonly found 
in various types of instrumental and vocal music.

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Sep 20, 2023, 16:52 by

>> Attached is a sample of Jianpu notation. The two patches I submitted
>> are necessary for the underlines to function correctly here.
> Thanks, but please give a real example, say, an excerpt from 'Two
> springs in Moon Light' (二泉映月), both from a reference (which you
> would consider as good typography) and LilyPond's results.
> Are you sure that you want to use LilyPond's time signature digits for
> Jianpu numbers?  IMHO, they are far too fat.
>  Werner

Attachment: reference.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: zhlb-page1.png
Description: PNG image

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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