DNRC ACIC and SACEO of obscure acronyms, FFTG of STUPID
LYNX-DEV Lynx to graphics
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:25:24 -0600 (CST)
X-URL: http://lynx.browser.org/
X-Mailer: Lynx, Version 2.5FM
X-Personal_name: Eric King
X-From: address@hidden
> News: Lynx 2.7 has been released.
> Lynx
> Lynx is a text browser for the World Wide Web. Released versions run
> on VMS and various versions of Un*x. A port to Win32, and to DOS 386+
> via DJGPP are included in the current developmental version.
> * How to get Lynx, and much more information, is available at Lynx
> links.
> * Many user questions are answered, and links to useful resources
> collected, in the online help provided with Lynx. Press the
> question-mark (?) key to access this help; browse around a bit.
> * If you are encountering difficulty with Lynx you may write to
> address@hidden The developers definitely want to hear if
> you have trouble with the current version of the code. Trouble
> reports from earlier versions are listened to politely; many
> trouble spots have been fixed in later releases.
> * At this site, Lynxrp is a developmental version.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Maintained by address@hidden
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