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Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] SURFnet - Proof of Concept with MyExperiment

From: Alan R Williams
Subject: Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] SURFnet - Proof of Concept with MyExperiment & Taverna server
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:13:08 +0000
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On 10/11/2010 11:57, Wladimir Mufty wrote:
Hello MyExperiment users and developers,

Hello Wladimir,


Unfortunately I could not attach a pdf with the scenario to this
mailinglist, or should this be possible?
There are still some questions we have:
- Is the runner that can be configured in MyExperiment pointing to an
instance of a Taverna server?

Yes, but currently a Taverna 1 server. Some work will need to be done to have a Taverna 2 runner.

Can I use the Taverna Server Virtual
machine for this when I place it on my (public) network?

You should be able to.

- When “posting” an experiment to a runner-machine through the
MyExperiment API, does MyExperiment does that directly, or should I
first GET the workflow and POST it manually to the runner.

The only difference I can see would be for authentication of the user.

- When do I need to use the concept of a job?

I don't understand the question.

- Can I check the status of a experiment (posted to a MyExperiment
runner) through the MyExperiment API

As far as I know, nothing about the runners is exposed in the myExperiment APIs

or directly from that machine it’s
running on?

Yes. There are REST and WSDL interfaces to the Taverna 2 Server. The Ruby demonstrator uses the REST API to talk to the server.

Is there some (draft) documentation available on the following API
subjects; we would like to make use of them… even if there not official yet.
- GET group, POST group, PUT group, DELETE group

The myExperiment REST read API is documented at

Someone from myExperiment should be able to tell you where the write API is.

- Runner index , Runner count, GET runner, POST runner, PUT runner,
DELETE runner

Those are not available.

- Job index , Job count, GET Job, POST Job, PUT Job, DELETE Job

I can ask Donal to send you the URL to the REST API for Taverna 2 Server. We are having a meeting today about changing how it handles lists.

Hope you could give me some input on these questions,

Kind regards,

Wladimir Mufty


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