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Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] SURFnet - Proof of Concept with MyExperiment

From: Wladimir Mufty
Subject: Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] SURFnet - Proof of Concept with MyExperiment & Taverna server
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 16:03:58 +0100
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I have got the Taverna Server 2 running (and working).
But when verify the status in the runner-edit-page on MyExperiment I get the following message:
"myExperiment was unable to connect to and verify the service specified by this Runner"


I have tried the following url’s:


non successful….


Any thoughts? Or is this the Taverna 2 incompatibility issue with the "runner function"?   

On 10-11-2010 14:01, Wladimir Mufty wrote:
Thank you Alan!

I thought the Taverna Server Virtual Machine was a Taverna 2 server... (
So if I place this machine on the internet it would not be possible to use it as (personal) runner machine to run my experiments from Myexperiment directly on it.

Is that correct? I have to setup a Taverna 1 server to make use of this runner-feature in MyExperiment?


In MyExperiment the API coverage it’s noted that GET runner is implemented ( Where can I find any information on this? What does it return?


What we would like to do is:


- User is using a MyExperiment-gadget in its own portal (possible).

- User has to authenticate to use the MyExperiment-gadget (possible)..

- The MyExperiment gadget lists the workflows of the user (possible).

- The MyExperiment gadget also lists the available runners for that user (is this already possible at the moment when pre configured in MyExperiment).
- The user has the option to run one of these workflows on a available runner (is this possible at the moment making use of the current API through the gadget).
- The user should have the opportunity to see the status of his running experiment in this gadget (not possible as I understand form your answer?).


To make Runners available for running workflows we would like to setup a Taverna server, that’s why we need to know the version we can use. And how the RUNNER API works.


Doe you recommend contacting somebody directly to see if this scenario is possible?


Kind regards and thank you for the quick response,



On 10-11-2010 13:13, Alan R Williams wrote:
On 10/11/2010 11:57, Wladimir Mufty wrote:
Hello MyExperiment users and developers,

Hello Wladimir,


Unfortunately I could not attach a pdf with the scenario to this
mailinglist, or should this be possible?
There are still some questions we have:
- Is the runner that can be configured in MyExperiment pointing to an
instance of a Taverna server?

Yes, but currently a Taverna 1 server.  Some work will need to be done to have a Taverna 2 runner.

Can I use the Taverna Server Virtual
machine for this when I place it on my (public) network?

You should be able to.

- When “posting” an experiment to a runner-machine through the
MyExperiment API, does MyExperiment does that directly, or should I
first GET the workflow and POST it manually to the runner.

The only difference I can see would be for authentication of the user.

- When do I need to use the concept of a job?

I don't understand the question.

- Can I check the status of a experiment (posted to a MyExperiment
runner) through the MyExperiment API

As far as I know, nothing about the runners is exposed in the myExperiment APIs

or directly from that machine it’s
running on?

Yes.  There are REST and WSDL interfaces to the Taverna 2 Server.  The Ruby demonstrator uses the REST API to talk to the server.

Is there some (draft) documentation available on the following API
subjects; we would like to make use of them… even if there not official yet.
- GET group, POST group, PUT group, DELETE group

The myExperiment REST read API is documented at

Someone from myExperiment should be able to tell you where the write API is.

- Runner index , Runner count, GET runner, POST runner, PUT runner,
DELETE runner

Those are not available.

- Job index , Job count, GET Job, POST Job, PUT Job, DELETE Job

I can ask Donal to send you the URL to the REST API for Taverna 2 Server.  We are having a meeting today about changing how it handles lists.

Hope you could give me some input on these questions,

Kind regards,

Wladimir Mufty


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