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Re: [Nmh-workers] cannot get envelop sender address correct

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] cannot get envelop sender address correct
Date: Tue, 06 May 2008 10:29:02 -0400

> >It's always been that way.  I think that we should retain the
> >original nmh capability, just change the default build configuration.
> "Meh".  I actually think "it's always been that way" is kind of a lousy
> reason to not have a capability (and I think you have it backwards:
> preventing the user from doing something isn't a "capability").

By "capability", I mean this:  the installer of nmh can
prevent a mortal user from using masquerading.

There certainly are plenty of ways for mortal users to
sidestep this prevention, of course.  But why should we
change the behavior of nmh when we don't need to?  It's easy
to change the default nmh configuration (to something that
many of us seem to use, anyway).


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