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[paragui-users] re: compiling on the mac

From: keith
Subject: [paragui-users] re: compiling on the mac
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:20:09 -0300

the following is a compiler dump of all the reamining errors to compile 
paragui on the mac.
Most of them are in the physFS and i am sure that one error relates to many
But on the up side the errors are down from about 3000 this morning to about
150 now.

So if anyone has ideas on anything you see below, let me know......i'm still
working on it, but then second error there in stdlib.h has me stumped.


Error   : undefined identifier 'strdup'
pglayout.cpp line 138    parm = strdup(c);

Error   : undefined identifier 'std::getenv'
stdlib.h line 22   using std::getenv;

all from the PHYSFS

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
dir.c line 199       retval = malloc(sizeof (DirHandle));

Error   : '}' expected
dir.c line 362   } /* DIR_dirClose */

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
grp.c line 236       DirHandle *retval = malloc(sizeof (DirHandle));

Error   : '}' expected
grp.c line 405   } /* GRP_openRead */

Error   : undefined identifier 'fin'
unzip.c line 136   local int unzlocal_getByte(fin,pi)

Error   : identifier 'pi' redeclared
was declared as: 'int'
now declared as: 'int *'
unzip.c line 138    int *pi;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 139   {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 142       if (err==1)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 143       {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 144           *pi = (int)c;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 145           return UNZ_OK;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 146       }

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 147       else

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 148       {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 149           if (ferror(fin))

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 150               return UNZ_ERRNO;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 151           else

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 152               return UNZ_EOF;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 153       }

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 154   }

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'std::_FILE *' to
unzip.c line 160   local int unzlocal_getShort (fin,pX)

Error   : data object 'fin' redefined
unzip.c line 161    FILE* fin;

Error   : identifier 'pX' redeclared
was declared as: 'int'
now declared as: 'unsigned long *'
unzip.c line 162       uLong *pX;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 163   {

Error   : data object 'err' redefined
unzip.c line 166       int err;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 168       err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 169       x = (uLong)i;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 171       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 172           err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 173       x += ((uLong)i)<<8;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 175       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 176           *pX = x;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 177       else

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 178           *pX = 0;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 179       return err;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 180   }

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'std::_FILE *' to
unzip.c line 182   local int unzlocal_getLong (fin,pX)

Error   : data object 'fin' redefined
unzip.c line 183    FILE* fin;

Error   : identifier 'pX' redeclared
was declared as: 'int'
now declared as: 'unsigned long *'
unzip.c line 184       uLong *pX;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 185   {

Error   : data object 'x' redefined
unzip.c line 186       uLong x ;

Error   : data object 'i' redefined
unzip.c line 187       int i;

Error   : data object 'err' redefined
unzip.c line 188       int err;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 190       err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 191       x = (uLong)i;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 193       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 194           err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 195       x += ((uLong)i)<<8;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 197       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 198           err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 199       x += ((uLong)i)<<16;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 201       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 202           err = unzlocal_getByte(fin,&i);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 203       x += ((uLong)i)<<24;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 205       if (err==UNZ_OK)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 206           *pX = x;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 207       else

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 208           *pX = 0;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 209       return err;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 210   }

Error   : undefined identifier 'fileName1'
unzip.c line 214   local int strcmpcasenosensitive_internal

Error   : identifier 'fileName2' redeclared
was declared as: 'int'
now declared as: 'const char *'
unzip.c line 216    const char* fileName2;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 217   {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 218    for (;;)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 219    {

Error   : pointer/array required
unzip.c line 221     char c2=*(fileName2++);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 222     if ((c1>='a') && (c1<='z'))

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 223      c1 -= 0x20;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 224     if ((c2>='a') && (c2<='z'))

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 225      c2 -= 0x20;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 226     if (c1=='\0')

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 227      return ((c2=='\0') ? 0 : -1);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 228     if (c2=='\0')

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 229      return 1;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 230     if (c1<c2)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 231      return -1;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 232     if (c1>c2)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 233      return 1;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 234    }

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 235   }

Error   : identifier 'unzStringFileNameCompare(const char *, const char *,
int)' redeclared
was declared as: 'int (const char *, const char *, int)'
now declared as: 'int'
unzip.c line 257   extern int ZEXPORT unzStringFileNameCompare

Error   : data object 'fileName1' redefined
unzip.c line 258    const char* fileName1;

Error   : identifier 'fileName2' redeclared
was declared as: 'int'
now declared as: 'const char *'
unzip.c line 259    const char* fileName2;

Error   : data object 'iCaseSensitivity' redefined
unzip.c line 260    int iCaseSensitivity;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 261   {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 262    if (iCaseSensitivity==0)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 263     iCaseSensitivity=CASESENSITIVITYDEFAULTVALUE;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 265    if (iCaseSensitivity==1)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 266     return strcmp(fileName1,fileName2);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 268    return STRCMPCASENOSENTIVEFUNCTION(fileName1,fileName2);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 269   }

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'std::_FILE *' to
'unsigned long'
unzip.c line 277   local uLong unzlocal_SearchCentralDir(fin)

Error   : ';' expected
unzip.c line 278    FILE *fin;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 279   {

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 286    if (fseek(fin,0,SEEK_END) != 0)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 287     return 0;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 290    uSizeFile = ftell( fin );

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 292    if (uMaxBack>uSizeFile)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 293     uMaxBack = uSizeFile;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 295    buf = (unsigned char*)ALLOC(BUFREADCOMMENT+4);

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 296    if (buf==NULL)

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 297     return 0;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 299    uBackRead = 4;

Error   : declaration syntax error
unzip.c line 300    while (uBackRead<uMaxBack)

Error   : preprocessor #error directive
zip.c line 32   #error PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP must be defined.

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
zip.c line 373       retval = malloc(sizeof (DirHandle));

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
zip.c line 391       ((ZIPinfo *) (retval->opaque))->archiveName =
malloc(strlen(name) + 1);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
zip.c line 427       d = malloc(dlen + 1);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
zip.c line 528       d = malloc(dlen + 1);

Error   : '}' expected
zip.c line 675   } /* ZIP_dirClose */

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
physfs.c line 301       ptr = realloc(*dir, strlen(*dir) + strlen(dirsep) +

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
physfs.c line 658                    (strlen(appName) * 2) + (strlen(dirsep)
* 3) + 2);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
physfs.c line 712                       str = malloc(strlen(d) +
strlen(dirsep) + l + 1);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
physfs.c line 814       start = str = malloc(strlen(fname) + 1);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
physfs.c line 871       start = str = malloc(strlen(dirName) + 1);

Error   : '}' expected
physfs.c line 1292   } /* PHYSFS_filelength */

Error   : the file 'pthread.h' cannot be opened
platform.c line 33   #include <pthread.h>

Error   : the file 'sys/types.h' cannot be opened
platform.c line 35   #include <sys/types.h>

Error   : the file 'pwd.h' cannot be opened
platform.c line 36   #include <pwd.h>

Error   : the file 'sys/param.h' cannot be opened
platform.c line 38   #include <sys/param.h>

Error   : the file 'mntent.h' cannot be opened
platform.c line 42   #include <mntent.h>

Error   : undefined identifier 'setmntent'
platform.c line 58       mounts = setmntent("/etc/mtab", "r");

Error   : undefined identifier 'getmntent'
platform.c line 61       while ( (ent = getmntent(mounts)) != NULL )

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'mntent'
platform.c line 64           if (strcmp(ent->mnt_type, "iso9660") == 0)

Error   : expression syntax error
platform.c line 65               add_it = 1;

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char **'
platform.c line 70               char **tmp = realloc(retval, sizeof (char
*) * cd_count + 1);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'mntent'
platform.c line 74                   retval[cd_count-1] = (char *)
malloc(strlen(ent->mnt_dir) + 1);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'mntent'
platform.c line 77                       strcpy(retval[cd_count-1],

Error   : undefined identifier 'endmntent'
platform.c line 84       endmntent(mounts);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
platform.c line 98           retval = malloc(strlen(envr) + 1);

Error   : undefined identifier 'getpwuid'
platform.c line 164       pw = getpwuid(uid);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 165       if ((pw != NULL) && (pw->pw_name != NULL))

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 167           retval = malloc(strlen(pw->pw_name) + 1);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 169               strcpy(retval, pw->pw_name);

Error   : declaration syntax error
platform.c line 172       return(retval);

Error   : undefined identifier 'getpwuid'
platform.c line 182       pw = getpwuid(uid);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 183       if ((pw != NULL) && (pw->pw_dir != NULL))

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 185           retval = malloc(strlen(pw->pw_dir) + 1);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'passwd'
platform.c line 187               strcpy(retval, pw->pw_dir);

Error   : declaration syntax error
platform.c line 190       return(retval);

Error   : declaration syntax error
platform.c line 191   } /* getUserDirByUID */

Error   : undefined identifier 'pthread_self'
platform.c line 214       return((int) pthread_self());

Error   : undefined identifier 'lstat'
platform.c line 255       if (lstat(fname, &statbuf) == 0)

Error   : undefined identifier 'S_ISLNK'
platform.c line 257           if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode))

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
platform.c line 289       char *retval = malloc(len);

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'timespec'
platform.c line 312       struct timespec napTime;

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'timespec'
platform.c line 313       napTime.tv_sec = 0;

Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'timespec'
platform.c line 314       napTime.tv_nsec = 10 * 1000 * 1000;  /* specified
in nanoseconds. */

Error   : undefined identifier 'nanosleep'
platform.c line 315       nanosleep(&napTime, NULL);           /* don't care
if it fails. */

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
platform.c line 335           buf = malloc(bufsize);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
platform.c line 372                   p = realloc(buf, len);

Error   : undefined identifier 'MAXPATHLEN'
platform.c line 457       char resolved_path[MAXPATHLEN];

Error   : undefined identifier 'realpath'
platform.c line 461   if (!realpath(path, resolved_path)) {
__PHYSFS_setError(strerror(errno)); return 0L; }

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'char *'
platform.c line 462       retval = malloc(strlen(resolved_path) + 1);

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