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Re[2]: [paragui-users] exception in widget array destruction

From: taurus
Subject: Re[2]: [paragui-users] exception in widget array destruction
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 14:03:42 +0600

Hello Alexander,

Friday, March 14, 2003, 1:54:38 PM, you wrote:

AP> I just tested this. No problems so far. I added the "array" sample to the
AP> "test" dir in the CVS repository.

AP> There must be something specific you're doing that causes the bug. It's 
AP> possible that the bug has already been fixed in CVS. 

AP> Please recheck.

Ok, thanx, I'll do it with the last cvs update.

BTW, I've noticed also one thing. When SDL_FreeSurface(ps) is called,
the ps is not freed, only ps->format and other internal bytearrays.
That's why when I load and unload surface from PG_FileArchive, surface
is destroyed, the pointer is not, it leads to the exception also...
I think it's better to check if the ps->format structure was
destroyed also, not just if ps is NULL.

What do you think?

Kind regards,


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