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Re: [paragui-users] this quietness makes one frightened (and insane:))

From: H. C.
Subject: Re: [paragui-users] this quietness makes one frightened (and insane:))
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 15:56:49 +0100

Hi folks, sorry for the late answer.

>One question: You actually did some work after Alex's retirement? If so,

I think there are still LOTS of issues to be handled. Here's a list of
things I've done so far (may not be quite complete!):
- added PG_ThemeWidget::GetCachedSurface()
- added PG_WidgetList::SetListWidth(...) / SetListHeight(...)
- added PG_ThemeWidget::GetBorderSize()
- PG_CheckButton and PG_RadioButton called SetUnpressed() in their
constructors leading to call eventButtonClick(...); this may cause unwanted
behaviour if you add buttons to a widget listening for button clicks - fixed
- PG_ThemeWidget::eventSizeWidget(...) no longer calls CreateSurface(...)
when my_srfObject isn't used
- removed an assignment to my_has_gradient in
PG_ThemeWidget::LoadThemeStyle(...), since it's already being assigned by
SetGradient(), which is also called in LoadThemeStyle(...)
- sped up display of PG_RichEdit's content by moving some allocations and
(re-)calculations out of loops
- redraw software cursor in PG_Application::RunEventLoop() only if mouse
- redraw software cursor on widgets only when an update is needed (and not
all the time in PG_Widget::RunModal())
- fixed PG_ThemeWidget::SetBackground(SDL_Surface*, int mode); surface will
be displayed properly now
- removed two SDL_PeepEvents (PG_MessageObject::ProcessEvent(...),
PG_Application::RunEventLoop(...)); obviously, it works fine without them,
why have they been added?
- PG_Draw::CreateRGBSurface(...) now checks for (screen == NULL) and will
return NULL if it's true (thanks to Peter Kasting!)
- fixed PG_PopupMenu::MenuItem::IsPointInside(...)
- PG_PopupMenu::trackMenu(...) does now take care of the case that a popup
menu's dimensions exceed the screen's height
- added PG_PopupMenu::removeItem(int id)
- removed sub->Show() in PG_PopupMenu::selectItem(...), since it's already
called by sub->trackMenu()
- fixed some VC7 warnings caused by implicit type casts and binary operator
precedence conflicts
- it's now possible to handle MSG_EDITBEGIN and MSG_EDITEND in the edit
field of PG_DropDown properly
- fixed a problem in PG_LineEdit caused by emacs bindings;
(right-)alt-binded keys work properly now
- replaced a Redraw() with Update() in PG_Button::SetIcon2(...)
- replaced a Redraw() with Update() in PG_ColumnItem::SetItemText(...)
- optimized PG_Widget::SetSizeByText(...)
- PG_Label::SetSizeByText(...) handles labels with icons properly now
- PG_Button::SetSizeByText(...) handles buttons with icons properly now (and
it won't crash any further)
- added PG_Window::GetIcon()
- added PG_Label::GetIndent()
- changing a PG_LineEdit's state to 'not editable' removes the input cursor

>Personally, I am not (and have never been) happy at the thought of taking
>paragui project leadership. After all, I already administrate another
>and I suppose most of you know that it is a time-consuming job. You code,
>answer all the feedback mails, care for the contributors to stay motivated

I fully agree.

>However, there are a lot of things still missing in paragui, and with a
>kind of dying paragui my project also suffers because noone uses this lib
>therefore hardly uses programs depending on the lib as well. I also wanted
>give something back to paragui for quite a while now, and as long as my
>is mainly limited to moderating/initializing discussions, patching the code
>doing the other administrative stuff which happens to occur (I don't
>I will have much time to code with all the other things to do) I suppose I
>copewith the task.

Agreed again.

>In short, I use this mail to apply for the position of project leadership
>however you would call it in a bazar-like environment) IF one or two other
>people here share this position with me. They don't have to have time now
>even often, but I don't feel prepared to do it alone.

It's great news that Anthony has now some time for ParaGUI and that you
apply for leadership yourself, if someone is willing to support you. I'd try
to help you guys out where I can (I'd maybe even share such a position with
you, although I lack the appropriate knowledge (yet)).

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