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Localization and pspp on MSWindows

From: unknown-1
Subject: Localization and pspp on MSWindows
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 22:10:42 +0100


I have a problem with the cygwin and the mingw based PSPP version. In both versions filenames with special characters like "ΓΌ" are a problem. File names are corrupted and in the mingw version labels to. Did succeed in putting them in the cygwin based installation.

Further I didn't succeed in getting using a translation. I have no idea why not. On Linux it works nice.

What I need is something so I can see what the NLS settings are in PSPPIRE when it runs on mswindows. Is this possible?

There was a patch so psppire wouldn't write psppire.txt to the default directory on mswindows. Was this patch pushed to the stable version?

Have fun

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