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[Wesnoth-cvs-commits] wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei sl.po
From: |
Susanna Bjrverud |
Subject: |
[Wesnoth-cvs-commits] wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei sl.po |
Date: |
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 14:49:36 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/wesnoth
Module name: wesnoth
Changes by: Susanna Björverud <address@hidden> 05/02/19 19:49:36
Modified files:
po/wesnoth-ei : sl.po
Log message:
Updated Slovenian translation
Index: wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei/sl.po
diff -u wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei/sl.po:1.20 wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei/sl.po:1.21
--- wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei/sl.po:1.20 Mon Feb 14 08:40:50 2005
+++ wesnoth/po/wesnoth-ei/sl.po Sat Feb 19 19:49:36 2005
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"Project-Id-Version: ei-sl\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-02-14 09:29+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-13 15:01+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-19 18:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: lynx\n"
"Language-Team: <address@hidden>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -690,8 +690,9 @@
msgstr "Torej, a želite da ga že razstrelim, gospod?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Evacuation.cfg:162
+#, fuzzy
msgid "Hm..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hmm..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Evacuation.cfg:164
msgid "Yes, blow it up."
@@ -1385,27 +1386,31 @@
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/The_Outpost.cfg:154
msgid ""
"Aha! We can escape from here now! I have found a trapdoor next to the castle!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aha! Zdaj lahko zbežimo! Blizu gradu sem našel skrivna vrata!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/The_Outpost.cfg:172
msgid "Follow me, men! Through the trapdoor!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sledite mi, enote! Skozi skrivna vrata!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/The_Outpost.cfg:186
msgid ""
"Hurry! Before long enemy reinforcements will arrive, and we will all die! "
"Come to the trapdoor!"
msgstr ""
+"Hitro! Sovražnik bo kmalu dobil okrepitve in vsi bomo pomrli! Pridite do "
+"skrivnih vrat!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:4
msgid "The Council"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Svèt"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:22
msgid ""
"Yes, the prophecy. I know of what the lich spoke. It all started in the "
"reign of Haldric VII..."
msgstr ""
+"Vredu, o prerokbi. Vem o Äem je govoril liÄ. Vse se je zaÄelo v vladavini "
+"Haldrica VII..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:27
msgid ""
@@ -1413,18 +1418,25 @@
"soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The king, naturally, was "
msgstr ""
+"NajveÄji videc v deželi, Galdren, je napovedal, da se bo en dan, en
bližnji "
+"dan, po deželi razširilo veliko zlo. Kralj je bil, seveda, zaskrbljen."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:32
msgid ""
"The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to appoint a mage, "
"versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to be the king's advisor."
msgstr ""
+"Videc je povedal, da je edini naÄin, da ustavijo to zlo, da si kralj najde "
+"Äarovnika, ki je dobro podkovan v boju s silami teme in ga imenuje za "
+"svojega svetovalca."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:37
msgid ""
"In all the land, there were two mages of light that clearly stood out from "
"the rest. A mage from the East named Ravan, and myself."
msgstr ""
+"V vsej deželi sta bila dva Äarovnika svetlobe, ki sta jasno odstopala od "
+"drugih. Äarovnik z Vzhoda Ravan in jaz."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:42
msgid ""
@@ -1433,6 +1445,10 @@
"he came out he announced that the seer was dead, and he had chosen me as his "
"new advisor."
msgstr ""
+"Kralj, ki je želel dobrega svetovalca, naju je oba poslal k Galdrenu. Potem "
+"se je na samem z njim pogovoril Å¡e sam. NihÄe ne ve kaj je bilo izreÄeno,
a "
+"ko je prišel ven, je naznanil, da je videc mrtev in da je izbral mene za "
+"svojega svetovalca."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:47
msgid ""
@@ -1441,12 +1457,17 @@
"of darkness, hoping to discover their weaknesses, but it was they who found "
msgstr ""
+"Vsem se je zdelo, da je Ravan sprejel novico mirno, ampak sedaj mislim, da "
+"se je takrat zaÄel njegov padec. Dolgo se je zaÄel pogovarjati z duhovi "
+"teme, upajoÄ da najde njihove Å¡ibkosti. Ampak so oni naÅ¡li njegove."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:52
msgid ""
"In time, as all of the mages of death eventually do, he took his own life "
"and reformed himself as a lich, one of the most powerful ones ever seen."
msgstr ""
+"Tako kot si vsi Äarovniki teme, si je nekega dne tudi on vzel življenje in "
+"se spremenil v liÄa, enega najmoÄnejÅ¡ih doslej."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:57
msgid ""
@@ -1455,6 +1476,10 @@
"respected member of the court. When I came out, he revealed himself, named "
"himself Mal-Ravanal, and challenged me to a duel."
msgstr ""
+"Nekega dne je preobleÄen priÅ¡el v grad, kjer sem živel. Zahteval je
sprejem "
+"pri meni in stražarji so ga spustili naprej, saj je takrat še bil
spoštovan "
+"Älan dvora. Ko sem prispel, je snel svojo masko, se poimenoval Mal-Ravanal "
+"in me izzval na dvoboj."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:62
msgid ""
@@ -1462,6 +1487,8 @@
"However, as he was now skilled in the magical art of teleportation, he "
"simply vanished. And has not been seen since."
msgstr ""
+"PreseneÄeni stražarji so ga napadli, toda on je že poznal uroke "
+"teleportiranja in je preprosto izginil. Od takrat ga nihÄe ni veÄ videl."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:111
msgid ""
@@ -1469,16 +1496,19 @@
"that outpost on the Eastern border. This is the lich we are facing: Mal-"
msgstr ""
+"No, dokler naju z Gweddryjem ni napadel pri Srednji Postojanki na Vzhodni "
+"meji. To je taisti liÄ, ki nas napade zdaj, Mal-Ravanal."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:115
msgid "So what should we do now?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kaj naj storimo?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:119
msgid ""
"We must fight, obviously. Surely the might of Wesnoth can triumph over a "
"mere Lich!"
msgstr ""
+"Bojevati se moramo, seveda. VeliÄina Wesnotha bo pa že premagala enega
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:123
msgid ""
@@ -1487,14 +1517,18 @@
"us. There is no end to the columns of marching skeletons, the wailing "
"ghosts, the infernal bats, led by the foul necromancers who raised them."
msgstr ""
+"Po vaših besedah lahko sklepam, da sami niste videli njegovih hord. Tako je,
+"kot da bi se vsi padli vojaki, vseh dob, vrnili, da nas ubijejo. Ni konca "
+"korakajoÄim vrstam okostnjakov, tarnajoÄih duhovov in peklenskih
netopirjev, "
+"pod vodstvom zlobnih nekromantov, ki so jih oživeli."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:127
msgid "But still, it's not like you have a better plan!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vseeno, boljÅ¡ega naÄrta pa najbrž nimaÅ¡?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:131
msgid "That is why we're at this council..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zato smo se zbrali..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:135
msgid ""
@@ -1502,22 +1536,29 @@
"battle. So it seems that the only path to victory is to destroy the head of "
"these necromancers, the lich Mal-Ravanal."
msgstr ""
+"Kakorkoli, vemo da sovražnikovih hord v neposrednem spopadu ne moremo "
+"premagati. Zgleda, da nam ostane samo ena pot do zmage, da premagamo "
+"njihovega vodjo, Mal-Ravanala."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:139
msgid "But as yet we have no idea how to do it!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ampak Å¡e vedno ne vemo kako to storiti!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:143
msgid ""
"Well, we do know that he is very arrogant, and can be easily tricked. That "
"is how he fell in the first place."
msgstr ""
+"No, vemo da je zelo aroganten in da se ga zlahka preslepi. Predvsem zaradi "
+"tega je propadel."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:147
msgid ""
"So maybe we can trick him into exposing himself to us? Dacyn, does he know "
"we know who he is?"
msgstr ""
+"Torej ga mogoÄe lahko prevaramo, da se nam izda? Dacyn, ali ve, da mi vemo "
+"kdo je?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:151
msgid ""
@@ -1525,70 +1566,79 @@
"name Mal-Ravanal, and if he had known I was there when he attacked, he would "
"have pursued us much more vigorously."
msgstr ""
+"Ne, mislim da ne. Jaz sem edini, ki bi Å¡e prepoznal ime Mal-Ravanal in Äe
bi "
+"on to vedel, ko nas je napadel, bi naju dosti bolj aktivno zasledoval."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:163
msgid "Sire, the undead armies are attacking!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gospod, nemtrve vojske napadajo!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Throne_Room.cfg:168
msgid "Well, that will have to be the end of our council. Let us fight!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hmm, to prekinja naÅ¡ svèt. Naj se boj priÄne!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:4
msgid "Xenophobia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ksenofobija"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:86
msgid ""
"Hail, Dwarves! Will you help us get by these foul Orcs? We need to get "
"further along this path."
msgstr ""
+"Pozdravljeni Å¡kratje! Nam boste pomagali priti mimo teh umazanih orkov? "
+"Nadaljevati moramo po tej poti."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:91
msgid "You human! Call us foul, will you?!?!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Älovek! Ti nam praviÅ¡ umazanci?!?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:96
msgid "Why should we help you? You're not a dwarf!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zakaj naj bi ti pomagali? Saj nisi Å¡krat!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:101
msgid ""
"Your people helped us in the past, in the tunnels in the South. Why won't "
"you help us now?"
msgstr ""
+"Vaši bratje so nam pomagali v rovih na Jugu. Zakaj nam zdaj ne boste "
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:106
msgid ""
"Impossible! I can't believe any of my comrades would have helped a human!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NemogoÄe! Ne morem verjeti, da je kak moj tovariÅ¡ pomagal Äloveku!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:111
msgid "Indeed. Why should any of us help those not of our people?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tako je. Zakaj naj bi kdorkoli od nas pomagal komu, ki ni naše rase?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:116
msgid ""
"Will you then just let us pass, so that we may fight the orcs on our own?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nas boste vsaj spustili mimo, da se lahko sami spopademo z orki?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:121
msgid "I am afraid that is... impossible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Na žalost je to... nemogoÄe."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:126
msgid "Orcs, kill'em all! Humans, elves or dwarves, it don't matter!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Orki, vse jih pobijte! Ljudi, viline ali škrate, ni važno!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:131
msgid ""
"These orcs will die. But so will you, human. You have trespassed on Elvish "
msgstr ""
+"Tile orki bodo pomrli. Ampak ti boÅ¡ tudi, Älovek. NepooblaÅ¡Äeno ste "
+"prekoraÄili Vilinsko zemljo."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:136
msgid "Oh, Elvish land is it now? Die, you elf-dog! And you too, human!"
msgstr ""
+"Oh, a zdaj je že vilinska zemlja? Umri, ti pes vilinski! Ti tudi, Älovek!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:141
msgid ""
@@ -1596,12 +1646,17 @@
"their own supposed superiority. We probably will have to fight them, "
"although we may be able to bypass them."
msgstr ""
+"Tile niso razumni, vsi so oslepljeni s prepriÄanjem, da je njihova rasa "
+"najboljÅ¡a. Najbrž se bomo z njimi morali spopasti, Äeprav jih mogoÄe
lahko "
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:146
msgid ""
"True. As much as I dislike killing anything but orcs and undead, it seems we "
"will have to kill these elves, and these dwarves, before they kill us."
msgstr ""
+"Prav imaÅ¡. Äeprav ne ubijam rad Äesarkoli kar ni orkovskega ali nemrtvega "
+"izvora, zgleda da bomo morali pobiti te viline in Å¡krate, preden oni nas."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:157
msgid ""
@@ -1623,19 +1678,19 @@
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:167
msgid "Argh! I'm dead! Well, dwarves are still the best!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Argh! Mrtev sem! No, škratje smo še vedno najboljši!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:186
msgid "I die? Orcs rule all!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Umiram? Orki vladajo vsem!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Tribal_Warfare.cfg:205
msgid "It seems these humans are more powerful than I thought. Ugh."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zgleda, da so ti ljudje moÄnejÅ¡i, kot sem mislil. Ugh."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:4
msgid "Two Paths"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dve Poti"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:24
msgid ""
@@ -1659,7 +1714,7 @@
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:93
msgid "Look! The road splits here. Which way shall we go?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poglejte! Tu se cesta razcepi. V katero smer bomo Å¡li?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:98
msgid ""
@@ -1667,6 +1722,9 @@
"is a river that leads to the northlands, where orcs live. To the west there "
"is a path that stays inside the realm of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
+"Poznam ta predel. Tu sem bil na eni od prejšnjih patrulj. Severno od tod je "
+"reka, ki vodi do Severnih Dežel, kjer živijo orki. Na zahodu pa je pot, ki "
+"ostane v kraljevini Wesnoth."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:103
msgid ""
@@ -1674,6 +1732,9 @@
"avoid the undead armies. Their hordes are too large for us to defeat, and "
"staying inside Wesnoth would mean certain death."
msgstr ""
+"Najbrž moramo na sever, v orkovske dežele. Tako se lahko izognemo nemrtvim "
+"vojskam. Njihove horde so prevelike, da bi jih lahko premagali in Äe bi "
+"ostali v Wesnothu, bi zagotovo umrli."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:108
msgid ""
@@ -1681,18 +1742,25 @@
"quickly as possible. The undead hordes can't be that large, and there are "
"orcs in the northlands."
msgstr ""
+"Ne, jaz mislim, da bi morali iti naravnost skozi in Äim prej poskusiti "
+"doseÄi kralja. Nemrtve horde ne morejo biti prevelike, pa Å¡e orki so v "
+"Severnih Deželah."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:113
msgid ""
"Either way we will have to fight. Look, the orcs and undead are in a "
"conflict, and block our path!"
msgstr ""
+"V vsakem primeru se moramo bojevati. Poglejte, orki in nemrtvi so v sporu in "
+"nam v napoto!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:118
msgid ""
"Well, orc, we can either continue this fight, or we can crush those pesky "
"humans and battle later. Your call."
msgstr ""
+"Poglej ork, lahko nadaljujeva boj, ali pa streva te nadležne ljudi in se "
+"bojujeva kasneje. Ti se odloÄi."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:123
msgid ""
@@ -1700,24 +1768,28 @@
"fight later. (Hopefully you will die, for then I will win our battle by "
msgstr ""
+"Hmm... Vredu. Sklenila bova pakt, uniÄila te ljudi in nadaljevala najin boj "
+"kasneje. (Upam da boš umrl, ker bom potem privzeto zmagal najin boj)."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:128
msgid "Very well, we are allies, for now. (this foolish orc will surely die)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vredu, za zdaj sva zaveznika. (ta neumen ork bo zagotovo umrl)."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:140
msgid ""
"No! These undead won our battle, and you will be able to enter my northern "
msgstr ""
+"Ne! Nemrtvi so zmagali v našem boju in vi boste lahko vstopili v mojo "
+"severno domovino!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Two_Paths.cfg:157
msgid "I was supposed to stop you from re-entering Wesnoth! I have failed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moral bi vam prepreÄiti ponoven vstop v Wesnoth! Spodletelo mi je."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:4
msgid "The Undead Border Patrol"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nemtrva mejna patrulja"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:23
msgid ""
@@ -1743,26 +1815,33 @@
"forward- we will all die if we do! We should turn North and help Owaec, "
"captain of the Northern Outpost, hold off the undead."
msgstr ""
+"Dosegli smo mejo nemrtvega ozemlja. Saj ne misliš iti dalje - vsi bomo "
+"pomrli, Äe gremo dalje! Morali bi se obrniti proti Severu in pomagati "
+"Owaecu, poveljniku Severne Postojanke, zadržati nemrtve."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:85
msgid ""
"I am not yet sure. Whether we go forward or backward, we will have to fight. "
"The necromancer Mal-Skraat has chased us."
msgstr ""
+"Ne vem Å¡e. Naj gremo naprej ali nazaj, bojevati se bomo *morali*. Zasleduje "
+"nas nekromant Mal-Skraat."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:90
msgid ""
"They run from me! Still, it will not help them, the border patrol will "
"destroy them. I may even be promoted!"
msgstr ""
+"Bežijo pred mano! Vseeno, to jim ne bo pomagalo, mejna patrulja jih bo "
+"uniÄila. MogoÄe me celo poviÅ¡ajo!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:102
msgid "Now I will never get promoted!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zdaj nikoli ne bom povišan!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:107
msgid "Come, let us return to Wesnoth and aid the Northern Outpost."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pridite, vrnimo se v Wesnoth in pomagajmo Severni Postojanki."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:124
msgid ""
@@ -1770,55 +1849,65 @@
"further into these lands now, or do we want to try to turn back and defeat "
"this necromancer?"
msgstr ""
+"To patruljo smo premagali, ampak Å¡e vedno se lahko vrnemo. Ali gremo globje "
+"v to deželo ali se obrnemo in premagamo tega nekromanta?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:129
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:313
msgid "Hmm..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hmm..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:132
msgid "We do not want to waste time here fighting Mal-Skraat. Onward!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NoÄemo zgubljati Äasa z bojevanjem z Mal-Skraatom. Naprej!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:137
msgid "I will not say if this is a good decision, but I will follow you."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Te odloÄitve ne bom komentiral, a sledil ti bom vseeno."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:142
msgid "Noo!!! I can't be promoted if they run away!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neee!!! Äe mi uidejo, ne morem biti poviÅ¡an!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:153
msgid ""
"You are right. It is foolish to go onward- we must defeat Mal-Skraat and "
"turn back, going to the Northern Outpost."
msgstr ""
+"Prav imaš. Neumno bi bilo iti naprej - premagati moramo Mal-Skraata in se "
+"vrniti na pot proti Severni Postojanki."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:158
msgid "Good! if I defeat them, I can become a lich!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dobro! Äe jih premagam, lahko postanem liÄ!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:175
msgid ""
"We failed to defeat either enemy! Now more lichs will come, and we will be "
msgstr ""
+"Ni nam uspelo premagati niti enega sovražnika! Zdaj bo priÅ¡lo Å¡e veÄ
liÄev, "
+"ki nas bodo poteptali!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:185
msgid ""
"We cannot spend any more time defeating Mal-Skraat. Like it or not, we must "
"go further into these undead lands."
msgstr ""
+"Nimamo veÄ Äasa za boj z Mal-Skraatom. Äe nam je vÅ¡eÄ ali ne, iti moramo
+"globlje v to nemrtvo ozemlje."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:190
msgid ""
"Noo!!! He will reach Mal-Ravanal's capital, and I shall be punished for "
"letting him escape!"
msgstr ""
+"Neee!!! Dosegel bo Mal-Ravanalovo prestolnico in jaz bom kaznovan, ker sem "
+"ga spustil mimo!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:4
msgid "Undead Crossing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nemrtvi prehod"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:24
msgid ""
@@ -1843,12 +1932,16 @@
"These fens look impassable. I don't think we will be able to continue on "
"this road."
msgstr ""
+"To moÄvirje zgleda neprehodno. Nisem prepriÄan, da bomo lahko nadaljevali
po "
+"tej poti."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:73
msgid ""
"We must cross this river. We cannot try to find a way around this swamp, we "
"will waste too much time. Already Weldyn might be in ruins!"
msgstr ""
+"PreÄkati moramo to reko. Nimamo Äasa, da bi iskali pot okrog moÄvirja. Äe
ga "
+"bomo zapravljali po nepotrebnem bo Weldyn, ko ga dosežemo, mogoÄe že
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:78
msgid ""
@@ -1856,27 +1949,34 @@
"should proceed with caution. I still think we should go straight to the "
"King, but that is now impossible."
msgstr ""
+"Äez to reko ležijo Severne Dežele. Tam živijo ogri in orki. Previdno
moramo "
+"nadaljevati. Å e vedno mislim, da bi morali iti naravnost h kralju, ampak "
+"zdaj je že prepozno."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:83
msgid ""
"I will leave your bodies to rot in the river, then I will raise you up to "
"serve in my Master's undead hordes!"
msgstr ""
+"Vaša trupla bom pustil, da strohnijo v reki, potem pa vas bom oživil, da "
+"boste služili v hordah mojega Gospodarja!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:100
msgid ""
"I summon from the depths of the river those beasts which will destroy you!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Iz globin reke priklicujem poÅ¡asti, ki vas bodo uniÄile!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Undead_Crossing.cfg:132
msgid ""
"It seems as if in addition to summoning undead this Lich has learned to call "
"up demons!"
msgstr ""
+"Zgleda, da se je ta liÄ poleg priklicevanja nemrtvih, nauÄil priklicevati "
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:4
msgid "An Unexpected Appearance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NepriÄakovana pojava"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:22
msgid ""
@@ -1896,35 +1996,38 @@
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:104
msgid "We have escaped from those dark tunnels! But where are we now?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zbežali smo iz teh temnih rovov! Ampak kje smo?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:109
msgid "This is bad. We are in the middle of enemy territory!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "To je slabo. Smo sredi sovražnega ozemlja!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:114
msgid "Hahaha! We have you surrounded!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hahaha! Obkrožili smo vas!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:119
msgid ""
"Why don't we see if the new recruit can handle them. After all, there are "
"only two!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poglejmo, Äe jih novi rekrut lahko obvlada. Navsezadnje sta samo dva!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:124
msgid "No!!! They'll kill me!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ne!!! Ubila me bosta!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:129
msgid "So? We don't care- you're only a Dark Adept."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ja in? Briga naju - saj si samo temni vajenec."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:134
msgid ""
"It seems Mal-Tar is weak, but his brothers are still surrounding us. I "
"propose we kill him and use his castle as a base for our attack!"
msgstr ""
+"Zgleda da je Mal-Tar šibek, ampak še vedno nas obkrožata njegova brata. "
+"Predlagam da ga ubijemo in uporabimo njegov grad za naÅ¡o oporiÅ¡Äe za napad
+"na druge!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:139
msgid ""
@@ -1932,18 +2035,20 @@
"kill Mal-Kallat, we will be able to penetrate further into Undead lands. I "
"don't know how far we will get, though."
msgstr ""
+"Äe ubijemo Mal-Skraata, si bomo odprli pot v Wesnoth, Äe pa ubijemo Mal-"
+"Kallata, bomo lahko Å¡li globlje v nemrtvo ozemlje. Ne vem pa koliko globlje."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:151
msgid "No! You have defeated me, and can re-enter Wesnoth!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ne! Premagali ste me in se lahko vrnete v Wesnoth!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:168
msgid "You have defeated my brother, but I will follow you and kill you!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Premagali ste mojega brata, ampak sledil vam bom in vas pobil!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:4
msgid "Weldyn under Attack"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Napadeni Weldyn"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:39
msgid ""
@@ -1970,40 +2075,42 @@
"We will fight soon, my lord. Look, night approaches- they will soon attack. "
"I hope we can hold them off."
msgstr ""
+"Boj se bo kmalu zaÄel, moj gospod. Poglejte, noÄ se bliža - kmalu bodo "
+"napadli. Upam da jih lahko zadržimo."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:200
msgid "Very well. But is this... Mal-Ravanal, that you spoke of, is he here?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vredu. Ampak tale... Mal-Ravanal, ki ste ga omenjali, ali je on tu?"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:204
msgid "I do not think so, but he might be here, hiding."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dvomim, toda morda pa je in se skriva."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:208
msgid ""
"In any case, the undead are attacking now. Let us hope we can last out the "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V vsakem primeru, nemrtvi so zaÄeli napad. Upajmo, da preživimo
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:220
msgid "Look, the undead are tearing down our defences!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poglejte, nemrtvi uniÄujejo naÅ¡o obrambo!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:244
msgid "I have died, and with me the city shall fall."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Umiram in brez mene bo mesto padlo."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:256
msgid "Look, the sun has risen. The undead are retreating."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poglejte, sonce je vzšlo. Nemrtvi se umikajo."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:273
msgid "I come bearing a message from my leader:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prihajam s sporoÄilom mojega vodje."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:277
msgid "Very well, you may read it. (It might tell us something useful)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vredu, lahko ga prebereÅ¡. (mogoÄe zvemo kaj koristnega)."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:281
msgid ""
@@ -2014,10 +2121,16 @@
"Gweddry, as a commander, are a coward. You claim to have defeated my lord's "
"captains, but it was really your hordes, not you."
msgstr ""
+"Pravi: Zgleda, da ste premagali nekaj mojih poveljnikov. Äestitam. Ampak to "
+"je bil le majhen koÅ¡Äek moje horde. Zlahka bi vas vse premagal, ampak to ne
+"bi bilo poÅ¡teno do moje moÄi. Mislim moje osebne moÄi, ne moÄi mojih
hord. "
+"In to me privede do moje druge toÄke. Ti Gweddry, kot poveljnik, si "
+"strahopetec. Praviš da si premagal moje poveljnike, ampak v resnici so jih "
+"premagali tvoji vojaki, ne ti."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:285
msgid "What is the point of this message? All you do is insult us!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V Äem je smisel tega sporoÄila? Vse kar delaÅ¡ je, da nas žaliÅ¡!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:289
msgid ""
@@ -2026,12 +2139,17 @@
"actual combat. And my Lord will prove it. He challenges you, Gweddry, to a "
"contest, a battle."
msgstr ""
+"Poanta je v tem, da Gweddry brez pomoÄi svojih sužnjev ne bi mogel
premagati "
+"slug mojega Gospodarja! Dvomim da bi Gweddry sploh preživel dve sekundi "
+"dejanskega boja. In moj Gospodar bo to dokazal. Poziva te na tekmovanje, na "
+"bitko, Gweddry."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:293
msgid ""
"What are his terms? I won't accept anything obviously weighted towards his "
msgstr ""
+"Pod kakÅ¡nimi pogoji? NiÄesar, kar bi mu dalo oÄitno prednost, ne bom
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:297
msgid ""
@@ -2039,57 +2157,74 @@
"your six best warriors and I will pick my six best. Then we will fight, to "
"the death, until either you or he is destroyed!"
msgstr ""
+"To samo potrjuje, da si strahopetec. Kakorkoli, to so njegovi pogoji: ti "
+"izbereš šest svojih najboljših mož in jaz šest svojih. Potem se bojujemo
do "
+"smrti, dokler eden od naju ne umre!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:301
msgid ""
"Gweddry, I don't think you should accept. He will bring more than seven "
"undead to the battle; he will bring a whole army!"
msgstr ""
+"Gweddry, po moje ne bi smel sprejeti. V boj bo pripeljal veÄ kot Å¡est "
+"nemrtvih, pripeljal bo celo vojsko!"
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:305
msgid ""
"Well, I think you should accept. This at least guarantees a somewhat fair "
"fight, and otherwise we will have to face the whole undead army."
msgstr ""
+"No, mislim da bi moral sprejeti. To vsaj zagotavlja nekoliko pošten boj, "
+"drugaÄe se bomo morali spopasti s celo nemrtvo vojsko."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/Weldyn_Attack.cfg:309
msgid ""
"I will simplify your choice. Accept, or face the onslaught of my lord's "
"hordes, like the coward that you are."
msgstr ""
+"Olajšal vam bom izbiro. Sprejmite, ali pa se zoperstavite silnemu napadu "
+"hord mojega Gospodarja, strahopetci kot ste."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/deaths.cfg:9
msgid "No! I have failed in my mission to save Wesnoth from destruction..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ne! Ni mi uspelo reÅ¡iti Wesnotha pred uniÄenjem..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/deaths.cfg:24
msgid "Wesnoth is doomed... without me, Gweddry has no hope."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wesnoth je pogubljen... brez mene nima Gweddry nobenega upanja."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/deaths.cfg:38
msgid "I... must... advise... Gweddry..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jaz... moram... svetovati... Gweddryju..."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:5
msgid ""
"It was the thirtieth year of Konrad II's reign, and there were strange "
"events happening on the eastern border of Wesnoth."
msgstr ""
+"Bilo je trinajsto leto vladavine kralja Konrada II in na vzhodni meji "
+"Wesnotha so se dogajale Äudne stvari."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:9
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Cattle and beasts of burden were found dead in the fields, and men went "
"missing from their houses, with no clues but a thin stream of black blood. "
"At first the settlers suspected raiders, but there was nothing east of them "
"but a small mountain range and miles of swamp."
msgstr ""
+"Na poljih so najdevali mrtvo živino in ljudje so izginjali neznano kam, brez
+"kakrÅ¡nekoli sledi, razen tankega potoÄka Ärne krvi."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:13
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Every day the terror grew greater, until the citizens of the eastern "
"villages were forced to send a messenger to the King. The messenger rode "
"hard for many days and nights, and finally reached the city of Weldyn."
msgstr ""
+"Vsak dan je bilo hujše, dokler prebivalci niso bili prisiljeni poslati sela "
+"k Kralju."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:18
msgid ""
@@ -2100,19 +2235,27 @@
msgstr ""
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:23
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In the days of the king Garard I, three outposts had been built along the "
"south-eastern border to stop Orcish raiders from the east from entering "
"Wesnoth. Since that time, the lands beyond the mountains had turned to "
"marsh, and the orcs had left the mountains for the lands in the North."
msgstr ""
+"Za Äasa kralja Gararda Prvega so bile na vzhodni meji zgrajene tri "
+"postojanke, da bi orkovskim roparjem z vzhoda prepreÄili dostop v Wesnoth. "
+"Od takrat naprej se je pokrajina za gorami spremenila v moÄvirje in orki so "
+"iz njih odšli v dežele na Severu."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:27
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"One of them, the South Guard, had been the site of the previous attacks. "
"Konrad II decided to re-man the other outposts also. He sent two of the most "
"promising young officers to them."
msgstr ""
+"Konrad II se je odloÄil, da jih ponovno zasede. Tja je poslal tri svoje "
+"najbolj obetavne oficirje, da bi zavarovali naseljence."
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:31
msgid ""
@@ -2123,12 +2266,15 @@
msgstr ""
#: data/scenarios/Eastern_Invasion/intro.cfg:35
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"All went well once the King's forces arrived. There were no attacks for "
"several weeks, and Gweddry's men started to grow uncautious. Then, at dawn "
"one day, Gweddry and his men were roused by startled cries of the night "
msgstr ""
+"Od prihoda kraljevih Äet naprej je Å¡lo vse v redu. Novih napadov ni bilo
že "
+"veÄ tednov in Gweddryjevi možje so postajali neprevidni."
#~ msgid ""
#~ " It is nice to have a $R1.type among us! My guess is $R1.user_description "
@@ -2159,8 +2305,7 @@
#~ "Zid severnega dela moje celice in ob vhodu je tanjši kot drugod. Mislim "
#~ "da so tam skrivna vrata. Pridi, gremo pogledat!"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Huh! A guard. Let's see how quickly we can kill it."
+#~ msgid "Huh! A guard. Lets see how quickly we can kill it."
#~ msgstr "Huh! Stražar. Poglejmo kako hitro ga lahko ubijemo."
#~ msgid "Yeah, here you go. Now blow this thing up."
@@ -2172,3 +2317,37 @@
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dobro! Uspelo nam je ujeti par ogrov. Zdaj jih lahko uporabimo v naši "
#~ "vojski."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At first the settlers suspected raiders, but there was nothing east of "
+#~ "them but a small mountain range and miles of swamp."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Na zaÄetku so naseljenci sumili roparje, toda bolj proti vzhodu, razen "
+#~ "manjÅ¡e gorske verige in ogromnega moÄvirja, ni bilo niÄesar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The messenger rode hard for many days and nights, and finally reached the "
+#~ "city of Weldyn."
+#~ msgstr "Sel je jezdil mnogo dni in noÄi in konÄno prispel v Weldyn."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The King received news of the problem, and, with the help of the White "
+#~ "Mage Dacyn, decided upon a plan to save the eastern settlers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kralj je dobil novico in z belim Äarovnikom Dacynom sta naredila naÄrt
za "
+#~ "rešitev vzhodnih naseljencev."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " In the north he sent Owaec, a leader from the clans. In the south, he "
+#~ "sent Sudoc, an accomplished fencer. And in the middle, in the place most "
+#~ "likely to be attacked, he sent Gweddry, who would be accompanied by Dacyn "
+#~ "the mage."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Na sever je poslal Owaeca, voditelja klanov. Na jug je poslal Sudoca, "
+#~ "priznanega sabljaÄa. V sredino, kjer je bila verjetnost za napad "
+#~ "najveÄja, pa je poslal Gweddryja in Äarovnika Dacyna."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Then, at dawn one day, Gweddry and his men were roused by startled cry of "
+#~ "the night watchmen..."
+#~ msgstr "Potem, nekega jutra, so Gweddryja zbudili kriki noÄne straže..."