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Re: autoconf test ': >emtpy' problem under Ultrix

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: autoconf test ': >emtpy' problem under Ultrix
Date: 20 Mar 2001 17:03:46 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Eisentraut <address@hidden> writes:

Peter> Alexandre Oliva writes:
>> Anyway, automake uses `echo timestamp > file', instead of touch,
>> and I've always thought the reason was to avoid having an empty
>> file.

Peter> The reason (which is documented somewhere in the auto* manuals)

I don't know where.

Peter> is that on some (BSD?) systems a 'touch' of an empty file
Peter> doesn't update the time stamp.  So in a way, yes, you're
Peter> avoiding empty files, but it is only necessary in 'make'
Peter> context.

If someone could specify an actual system like this, I'd be happy to
update autoconf.texi.

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