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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Living With Atmel Studio 6.0

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Living With Atmel Studio 6.0
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 20:59:36 +0200
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On 09/08/12 19:05, David Kelly wrote:

On Aug 9, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:

You should be highly sceptical about using integrated SVN clients
in other programs.  It is important that you don't mix major
version numbers of the svn clients on a machine - you'll end up
corrupting your local svn metadata, or at least getting error
messages about version compatibility.  So install TortoiseSVN gui
client /and/ command line tools, and stick to integrated svn
clients that work using external command-line tools.  (This is
for brain-dead windows, of course - on Linux or BSD you install
the subversion client libraries once, and all programs use that

Having observed other projects repeatedly have trouble with
M$-based version control applications, I've only allowed versioning
on unix. Things have doubtless improved more recently.

If the "M$-based version control" was Source Safe, then it is not surprising that people had trouble with it. After all, MS themselves never used it, and they recommended users do a database rebuild at least once a week to stop the inevitable database corruption from spreading!

I do host my SVN repository on MacOS X. I will not let other SVN
executables directly manipulate my repository.

One of the reasons we standardised on SVN for version control is that it works well cross-platform. We have people using it on Windows, Linux and Macs (no BSD, AFAIK). Of course, the server is Linux.

You should not have to exit AS6 to make it save files (or else it
is worse than I thought).  As to which files to store in the svn
repository, that is up to you.  I store the source files
(obviously), Makefiles, and often the final .hex file (since it
makes it convenient for testing or programming from different

Yes, and the specifications, in plaintext preferably. I've rarely
had them remain static for the life of a project. That makes it
easier to prove "Specification Redefinition" as cause of a reported
defect, for use in the bug database, as it comes into use prior to
alpha testing.

That is a bone I have to pick with IDE's. I want things written out
nice and simple as with Makefiles, not buried under a GUI.

You can use external makefiles with most IDE's. It certainly works fine with Eclipse.

I have a Windows project which uses libtomcrypt. Got the lib compiled
long time ago under VS2008 Express. Then built another project
linking against it. This past week I needed to start another and
spent nearly a solid day hunting down the buried small changes in
each project's Properties before I finally had a new project that
would build.  :-(

But also some here are mistaking the IDE with the text editor.

I am happy with the gnu toolchain, build with Makefile. Edit with
something else. But the one big thing Atmel needs to get right is the

Previously, I have used avr-gdb and avarice for debugging AVR's. I haven't done so for a while (I haven't done much AVR work in the past few years, and the boards either haven't had JTAG, or I haven't needed to use it), so I don't know the current state of these tools. Some time I must have a look at them again, and see if I can use Eclipse as a front end for the debugger (although I quite like command-line gdb - it's very fast and efficient to use).

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