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Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to handle paths with spaces?

From: Erik Christiansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to handle paths with spaces?
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:38:44 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21+145 (2a1c5d3dd72e) (2012-12-30)

On 17.07.14 09:27, Matthijs Kooijman wrote:
> AFAIU, make cannot handle spaces properly. I think that in some
> circumstances, you can do some stuff with escaping or quoting, but since
> make uses the space as a list separator, it will probably break down
> sooner or later. Better to just change your paths...

And if you can't rename, then you might try filesystem links. If the
path is to a file, then a hardlink (named without spaces) will be sure
to work. If it is a path to a directory, a symlink will be needed, and
you can tell us whether that does the job. (It should, since make
shouldn't see the aberrant pathname.)

Alternatively, since Linux 2.4.0 it is possible to remount part of the
file hierarchy somewhere else. Read up on --bind in the "mount" manpage.

Either way, the mischievously misnamed path becomes irrelevant.


Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
                                                   - Steinbach

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