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RE: [Axiom-developer] CVS, Arch, Darcs / bounties

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: RE: [Axiom-developer] CVS, Arch, Darcs / bounties
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 13:36:21 +0100


Weiss, Juergen writes:
 > Hello,
 > I would strongly support Camm's views on a more modular approach. With
 > extremely limited development resources, if it takes month to port a little
 > C application (sman) to Linux (which should require maybe two days of work),
 > we should clearly focus on making things simple. This is not to criticize
 > Tim for not being able to spend more time on this -- I myself have not found
 > almost any time for Axiom during the last months.
 > I would argue in favor of using out of the box tools (gcl, notangle
 > etc.). Development on one Linux platform only -- others can send patches for
 > other Linux platforms and other operating systems (BSD, OS X, Windows) and
 > test these.
 > I'm not an expert on CVS, Arch, Darcs. But my impression is, that we spent
 > more time on changing the systems used than on using CVS on in an
 > efficient way.

I agree wholeheartedly. 

2. regarding bounties: Maybe we could simply put rewards on the items of the
   WishList/TodoList. (0$ being a possible reward...)

   In order to do so, we would have to agree upon the importance/benefit of the
   various issues.

   I think possible candidates could include

   * pamphlet support on MathAction
   * a Windows port
   * Aldor integration
   * numerical integration.

   I think it would be great to get some students to work on the mathematical
   side -- I know that some universities have courses where the students are to
   implement the algorithms from the book A=B -- in Maple :-(. However, I'd
   advise anybody who wants to implement these things to get into contact with

   Unfortunately, in my departement Axiom is of little use, R is very good at


PS: and yes, I did not have much time for Axiom either in the past two
months. Sorry.

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