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Re: [Biborb-general] Tarball now available at savannah

From: Guillaume Gardey
Subject: Re: [Biborb-general] Tarball now available at savannah
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 00:52:18 +0100

The current release is quite close to what I'd like, a few minor things:

- before comitting to delete an bib entry, there should be an chance for confirmation

I will take it into account for the next release, it will take me some time to do something proper that will work with or without javascript and that will be configurable. (Personally, it is something I will disable). I have added a little change in the deletion of a bibliography. The bibliography is not removed but moved to ./bibs/.trash. It will prevent the accidental lost of bibliographies :). It will be the biborb "administrator" job to "rm -fr" it.

- import bibtex function doesn't always work: especially when original bibs have definitions such as @String at the beginning. BibOrb report that it can import so much number of record, but it can't actually display any entries, I think Biborb got confused by them.

I am not used to @string and @preamble. At the moment, biborb doesn't deal with these macros. I will have a look to see how they can be managed within biborb.

- The new icon set is cool, but the id and other text portion are not ideal (not really a issue though). Maybe not in this release, but it would be nice to have a style switch function to another user-defined style.css, with options to refine fonts and icons.

Well, you can configure the look in the config.php file by choosing an other CSS file. Creating a CSS-like editor for biborb is not really my aim but it may be a nice feature.

I encountered some troubles in savannah, the CVS snapshot is back to as well as biborb-1.2pre.tar.gz.

I bring some little modification to the interface and add some documentation (available by clicking each first menus).
I also fix a bug that causes groups to disappear when removing an entry.


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