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Re: [Chicken-users] Unit testing

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Unit testing
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 17:02:16 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Nov 17, 2006, at 3:37 PM, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:

I'm thinking of documenting some unofficial procedure for generating
unit tests for all our eggs (and for Chicken itself).  It would
probably be integrated with the wiki (allowing anyone to submit new
tests) but it would be "safe", in the sense that whatever gets added
to the wiki needs to be "approved" by a regular svn-repos user before
it gets added to the real suite.

I'm having trouble selecting which test egg to use.  I see there are
three but all seem to be very limited for what I want to do.  I expect
my testing mechanism to be able to specify limits for the execution of
each test.  I also expect it to be robust enough to keep a crash or
infinite loop during one test from crashing/hanging the whole test
environment.  On a quick look at our testing eggs, it seems none
fits my requirements.

Please elaborate on "specify limits for the execution".

As far as "crash" proof goes, that will require something that traps memory exceptions, etc. None of the existing 3 support this.

Also requires a test results storage system that is incremental, transactional, & probably external. "test-infrastructure" constructs its' results in a functional manner, "check" is incremental but not safe, & "testeez" is incremental but not safe.

"test-infrastructure" is exception safe but "testeez" & "check" are not.

An infinite loop can be protected against by running tests in separate threads. Unfortunately "test-infrastructure" is not thread- safe (it has some global variables - which could be moved to some state object), "testeez" is thread-safe, & "check" has global variables.

I do maintain "test-infrastructure" but am not the author. Think I will make the necessary thread-safety changes.

Hence, my question: is anyone of the maintainers of the test eggs
willing to extend them to support these requirements (or am I wrong
and does some of our eggs indeed support this)?  If not, I'll probably
start a new one from scratch and use it.



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