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Re: [Denemo-devel] why some menus are not translated (even if string is

From: Éloi Rivard
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] why some menus are not translated (even if string is translated)?
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:58:38 +0200

_label as an argument is good.
There is a bug in intltool with XML special chars (&, <, and >). I have submitted a patch and a pull request, but this hasn't been merged for the moment: (You can use my fork if you want until upstream accepts my patch : )
Strings containing &, < and > may don't work with the current version.

I have just committed something. I think you forgot to call "_" function on labels, letting them untranslated. Can you test now ?

_ function has two features.
The first on is that it is parsed by gettext/intltool, so its static content can be translated. And only the static content, if you put some variable in _(), it won't be translated.
_("Foobar") works
char* foo = "Foobar";
_(foo) does not work

The second one is that it does translate a string (static or not) if the translation is available.
_("Foobar") works
char* foo = "Foobar";
_(foo) works too.

So, if you want a string to be translatable you may check those two things :
- It is detectable by gettext/intltool : <button _label="…
- The string is translated somewhere, using _() function. This is in my commit.

2013/10/21 Richard Shann <address@hidden>
On Mon, 2013-10-21 at 14:37 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> which has got the string tooltip from the file palettes.xml
> "_tooltip" property.
> Is that perhaps the problem - it needs to be a "_tooltip" tag ???

By which I mean that the entries currently look like this

 <button _label="^&#x1D15D;" _tooltip="Selects &#x1D15D; as the duration for inserting notes or rests" script="(d-Set0)"/>

would it work if they were like this


or whatever the exact syntax is.


Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
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