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Re: [dev-serveez] Guile switch progress

From: Raimund 'Raimi' Jacob
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] Guile switch progress
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:57:18 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, stefan wrote:

> > - library and guile have to provide a list of paths to look for libraries
> >   in. should be about the same as above
> I would like to call that `serveez-load-path'.

i thought we just provide a 'get' method and a 'set' method for the
list. mmh... whatever...

> the environment variable `SERVEEZ_LOAD_PATH' which could provide
> additional paths, seperated by ":".
> e.g. (putenv SERVEEZ_LOAD_PATH "/usr/local/lib")

yeah, okay. perhaps the ':' should be system-dependant. it's a ';' on

on a related note:

i implemented some of the configuration callbacks for guile. in fact just
the portcfg config callback is missing. of course, it's not very well
tested, i just observed that the output didnt fundamentally change :)

i also made serveez terminate on error with loading the config file (was a
todo)., some testing would be great. there's still that pipe-port thing to
be implemented.. grrrrr :-)


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     /   /    /  /___/   ____/  __/\     Name    : Raimi
    /   /  __/    __/   / __/  / _\/     Contact : address@hidden
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