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Re: [dev-serveez] Guile switch progress

From: Martin Grabmueller
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] Guile switch progress
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 19:11:03 +0200

> From: stefan <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 23:20:02 +0200 (CEST)
> On Tue, 29 May 2001, Raimund 'Raimi' Jacob wrote:
> > - how do we read back variables from guile? for example the
> >   'serveez-verbosity' thing? we make it available to guile but how to
> >   read the value in the end ?
> MGrabMue ?

Okay, I did a little headerfile digging:

You should create variables like `serveez-verbosity' with a call to 

  SCM scm_c_define (const char *name, SCM value);

(or maybe scm_sym2var in 1.4?)

It does the same as gh_define, but returns a `variable object', that
is an object which stands for a variable.  You can use the
SCM_VARIABLE_REF macro to extract the value from a variable, after
reading in the config file.

> > - library and guile have to provide a list of paths to look for libraries
> >   in. should be about the same as above
> I would like to call that `serveez-load-path'.
> e.g. (concat serveez-load-path "c:/winnt")

I don't get which libraries you talk about here?  Protocol libraries
or so?  Anyway, in Guile, you would modify them like this

  (set! serveez-load-path (cons "c:/winnt" serveez-load-path)

  (set! serveez-load-path (append serveez-load-path '("c:/winnt")))

> Or how do I write it ? Anyone against that name ? I would also like to add
> the environment variable `SERVEEZ_LOAD_PATH' which could provide
> additional paths, seperated by ":".
> e.g. (putenv SERVEEZ_LOAD_PATH "/usr/local/lib")
> Syntax correct ?

In Guile:

  (putenv "SERVEEZ_LOAD_PATH" "/usr/local/lib")


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