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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Topology

From: Joseph DiVerdi
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Topology
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 09:46:02 -0600

At 8:33 AM -0700 7/30/2003, Eric Blossom wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 08:56:40AM -0600, Joseph DiVerdi wrote:
>> At 12:00 AM -0700 7/30/2003, Eric Blossom wrote:
>> Dear Eric,
>> Could you please provide some sense of how this impending change to
>> Python will impact those of us who are currently working with GR,
>> especially to those writing and/or modifying internal functions. For
>> example (but not exclusively), is the plan to replace all the C++
>> code with Python code?
>> Best regards,
>> Joseph
>Not to worry!
>The bottom layer primitives (subclass VrSigProc) will remain the same,
>and will retain the same interface.
>There is no plan to break anything, though I think folks will find
>that using Python to glue the signal processing primitives together is
>much, much easier than working in C++.  Plus you get the benefit of
>instant gratification ;-) The plan also includes using wxPython as the
>GUI toolkit of choice.  There will be a much improved replacement for
>GrFFTSink and GrSimpleScopeSink available to python code.
>All of these changes should also improve the portability of GNU Radio
>to non-Unix like platforms.

Dear Eric,

Thanks for the info. 

BTW, I'm not worried just frankly am wondering how much time I should be 
devoting to learning the current internals and C++ (still early on the learning 
curve but making progress ;). Sounds like I'll need to do both C++ and Python 
to do what I need to do (if you catch my drift).

Did I also hear from some previous traffic that: (1) Qt is being washed out of 
GR and (2) the Vr modules are being deprecated in favor of Gr modules? 

Best regards,
Joseph A. DiVerdi, Ph.D., M.B.A.          
http://xtrsystems.com/           970.980.5868 (voice) 
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