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Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...

From: Doc O'Leary
Subject: Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 11:44:05 -0600
User-agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.2 (Intel Mac OS X)

In article <mailman.6859.1385147294.10748.discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>,
 Markus Hitter <mah@jump-ing.de> wrote:

> Isn't the obvious conclusion this default look should change, to be at
> least as modern as the quite modern technology inside? It's all about
> looks these days.

I disagree.  What *should* happen is an old adage: form follows 
function.  What is *mostly* wrong with the GNUstep site is that the 
content isn't goal-oriented.  Since it has no function, it doesn't much 
matter what form it takes.

> Perhaps the very first Kickstarter should go for a great look. Website
> as well as default look. Ideally with the last word not from developers,
> but from an artist ;-)

A good graphic designer could pretty things up, but it'd still be 
lipstick on a pig.  The current powers-that-be need to figure out what 
their actual message is (other than "do we really want to attract 
them?"), and then let the structure/look of the web site follow from 

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