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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Rollup Functionality and Parity?

From: Kenneth Loafman
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Rollup Functionality and Parity?
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:24:11 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

Colin Ryan wrote:
> In thinking about the uses of duplicity, I'm always concerned about the
> trade off between having to do the occasional large full backup verus
> "infinite incrementals". I see the "infinite incremental" approach as
> the dirty little secret of the hosted storage business where no-one
> seems to acknowledge the sensitivity of this technique to the corruption
> of even a single bit in a single file.

That is the main risk of almost any backup system, including duplicity.
 That's the reason we recommend regular full backups, plus local and
remote copies of each.

> My concern about the latter is should even one incremental in the chain
> become corrupt everything from that point on (I assume) is
> unrecoverable. So I was wondering if there is any technique that could
> be used to "periodically" roll up the incrementals on the remote
> respository side into a full to create an "new single full" which
> contains all the incrementals, but that would allow duplicity to simply
> continue on with incremental backups on the client end. This would
> simply - for what it's worth - reduce the number of files that must be
> 100% intact but would allow one to always run duplicity in just
> incremental mode while periodically generating a full.

Such a rollup would be possible, but it would require a lot of network
bandwidth, equivalent to restoring all of the changed files and their
increments, then writing them back to the host as a single incremental
backup, verifying, then deleting the intermediate incrementals.

> As a side note has anyone put any thought to using Par2 parity files on
> the tar files that duplicity generates. Yes this would increase the back
> end storage but would allow for recoverability of the file provided data
> corruption was 5-10-20% of the file.

Yes, par2 has been studied.  Its in the plans, but down the list a bit.
   Of course, finding 5-10% of a file corrupted should alert you to some
serious hardware and/or network problems.

> Not sure I've explained my thoughts clearly but...

Looks like it.


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