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Re: Bug Emacs 21.3: write-file downcasing

From: Benjamin Riefenstahl
Subject: Re: Bug Emacs 21.3: write-file downcasing
Date: 12 Feb 2003 14:37:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Hi Jason,

> Benjamin Riefenstahl <address@hidden> writes:
> > As I see it, it's not a question of OS but of supported file
> > systems these days.

Jason Rumney <address@hidden> writes:
> I am not aware of any standard way to find out whether a file-system
> is case-sensitive or not,

I thought so and that is a problem.  I was of course talking about the
user view.

> and the standard Linux kernel drivers for FAT and SMB based
> filesystems are case-sensitive even though the underlying filesystem
> is case-insensitive (although patches are available to make the
> drivers case insensitive where applications do not prevent it).

Depends on what you mean by case-sensitive.  I tested this yesterday
before posting.  My test was:

  $ echo 1 > test
  $ echo 2 >> Test
  $ cat test

That was the result on my Linux/PPC (2.4.0) system both for a mounted
FAT floppy image and an NT volume.  Those systems do not even support
case-sensitive operation in a strict sense of the word (NT servers
could in theory support it, but it practice they don't).

> So yes, unfortunately it is a question of OS these days.

We could conclude that the problem is not easily solved on GNU/Linux,
or that it can only be solved with a user setting, but the situation
on MacOSX is still pretty clear.

so long, benny

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