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Re: [PATCH] left-fringe for speedbar

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: [PATCH] left-fringe for speedbar
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:47:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Nick Roberts <address@hidden> writes:

>  > If this problem is primarily observed with speedbar, the following patch
>  > seems to give good results without enabling left fringe in speedbar frame:
>  > ...
> Yes, that looks good.  I'll install it if the speedbar is to keep its fringe.
>> BTW, I still totally dislike the current STOP/GO icons -- they don't
>> stop or go, they set or clears a breakpoint.  As such "stop" should
>> show a (solid) red circle, and the "go" should be the same circle with
>> a big X over it.
> 1) Like these below?  I'm not sure that red is a good colour for clear but I
> guess the X carries the idiom.  

They are a bit dominant IMO.
See some alternatives below.

> 2) I could then use the STOP icon to interrupt the inferior
> (comint-inrreupt-subjob).

Indeed!! That would be the logical thing for a stop-sign to do, yes.

> 3) With gdba, I could also use the GO icon for both run and continue.  It
> would just test if gdb-active-process is t or not to work out which command
> to send.

That would be excellent IMO.

> What do people think of these options.  If they should be changed, now is the
> best time to do it.

I 100% in favour.

/* XPM */
static char * bpset_xpm[] = {
"24 24 2 1",
"       c None",
".      c #E80B0B",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"          ....          ",
"        ........        ",
"        ........        ",
"       ..........       ",
"       ..........       ",
"       ..........       ",
"       ..........       ",
"        ........        ",
"        ........        ",
"          ....          ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "};

/* XPM */
static char * bpclear_xpm[] = {
"24 24 3 1",
"       c None",
".      c #000000",
"+      c #E80B0B",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"        . ++++ .        ",
"        +.++++...       ",
"        +..++....       ",
"       +++..+...+       ",
"       +++.....++       ",
"       ++++...+++       ",
"       +++.....++       ",
"        +.......        ",
"        ...++....       ",
"       ...++++....      ",
"      ...      ..       ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "};

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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