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Re: frame resizing under KDE

From: Stephen Berman
Subject: Re: frame resizing under KDE
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 14:01:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (gnu/linux)

On Wed, 05 Sep 2007 19:42:23 +0200 martin rudalics <address@hidden> wrote:

> Could you list here which of your build/manager combinations handle
> maximization correctly and which don't?  Is it possible that some of
> them incidentally DTRT because the usable screen area is a multiple of
> the character height?

I currently have a Lucid build of Emacs 22.0.90 and GTK+ builds of
22.0.50, 22.0.90, 22.0.91, 22.0.92, 22.0.93, 22.0.96, 22.0.97,
22.0.98, as well as the released 22.1 and CVS trunk (pre-multi-tty)
22.1.50.  Under Gnome all of these maximize correctly.

Under KDE, with the non-GTK+ build (GNU Emacs
(i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit) of 2006-11-07), frame resizing works as
expected (as with all other applications under KDE):

1. Clicking the maximize icon in the title bar with mouse-1 toggles
   maximization both vertically and horizontally.

2. Clicking with mouse-2 toggles maximization vertically.

3. Clicking with mouse-3 toggles maximization horizontally.  

In each case the maximization covers the entire screen area in the
specified dimensions.

With my GTK+ builds of 22.0.50, 22.0.90 and 22.0.91, frame resizing
under KDE works as follows:

1. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-1 resizes the frame
vertically and horizontally but not quite maximally, in both
dimensions there is space between the frame and the screen edges.
Also, the maximize icon is unchanged and its tooltip still says
"Maximize" (it should have changed to a double window icon and the
tooltip should say "Restore", as it does in the non-GTK+ build).
Subsequently clicking mouse-1 makes the frame momentarily expand to
cover the entire screen, but it immediately returns to the previous,
not quite maximal size.  It is not possible to restore the original
size by clicking the maximization icon.

2. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-2 resizes the frame
vertically but not quite maximally, and the maximize icon is unchanged
and its tooltip still says "Maximize".  Clicking again with mouse-2
expands the frame to cover the entire vertical space; this makes the
echo area appear to grow, but the scroll bar there does not grow
correspondingly.  Subseqently clicking the maximize icon with mouse-2
toggles between the not quite and the completely vertically maximized
sizes and the icon remains unchanged.

3. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-3 yields behavior in the
horizontal dimension corresponding to that in the vertical dimension
with mouse-2.

Both the non-GTK+ build of 22.0.90 and the GTK+ builds of 22.0.50,
22.0.90 and 22.0.91 have as default font
-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--12-120-75-75-M-70-ISO8859-1.  (This is
what x-fixed-font-alist says.)

Starting with Emacs 22.0.92 the default font changed to
-*-fixed-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-16.  My GTK+ build of this
version, and all subsequent builds up to GNU Emacs
(i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.6) of 2007-08-24 (my latest),
differ from the above as follows:

3. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-3 works almost as expected:
it toggles between horizontally maximized and the original horizontal
size.  However, when maximized, the icon still shows a single rather
than a double window, and the tooltip still says "Maximize".

2. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-2 yields the same behavior as
in the GTK+ build of 22.0.90.

1. Clicking the maximize icon with mouse-1 yields the same behavior as
in the GTK+ build of 22.0.90 except that the horizontal dimension is
fully maximized.

With all of these builds, changing the font can make the horizontal
resizing (mouse-3) behave as in pre-22.0.92 builds.  This is the case
e.g. with the following fonts from the Font Menu: "7x13", "9x15",
"10x20".  With the fonts "6x10", "6x12", "6x13", "8x13", "12x24"
horizontal resizing works correctly.

Steve Berman

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