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record-lisp.el - current status

From: yzhh
Subject: record-lisp.el - current status
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 00:57:01 +0800
User-agent: KNode/0.10.5


I've been quiet for some time. But I kept do some coding every day.
The more code I write, the more I find myself unfamiliar with emacs and

Well, record-lisp.el (if you remember) has now progressed. The following is
the code it generated after recording some of my operations. 

(defun recorded-commands (var2)
  "List of latest recorded commands."
  (let (var3 var4 var7 (case-fold case-fold-search))
    (setq case-fold-search t)
;;; (setq var1 (point-marker)) ; (set-mark-command nil)
    (search-forward (concat "is" var2))
    (search-forward (concat "is" var2))
    (setq var3 (point-marker))          ; (set-mark-command nil)
    (forward-word 1)
    (forward-word nil)
    (setq var4 (buffer-substring-no-properties var3 (point))) ;
(cua-copy-region nil)
;;; (setq var5 (point-marker)) ; (set-mark-command nil)
    (end-of-buffer nil)
;;; (setq var6 (point-marker)) ; (set-mark-command nil)
    (insert var4)                       ; (yank nil)
    (setq var7 (point-marker))          ; (set-mark-command nil)
    (backward-char 2)
;;; (setq var8 (buffer-substring-no-properties var7 (point))) ;
(cua-copy-region nil)
    (forward-char 1)
    (setq case-fold-search case-fold)))

What I did is copy some string, start recording, start isearch, type 'is',
yank what I previously copied string into search string, search again, copy
the word after cursor, move to end of buffer, yank, copy another char, and
stop recording.

You can notice that yank something that is not copied(killed) during the
recording resulted in a argument 'var2' in the defun. And there are other
variables standing for the mark and copied strings. They are used to avoid
changing mark and kill-ring which is not encouraged in emacs lisp code.
Vars that's not used has corresponding code commented. These are the most
commonly needed behaviour, I think.

To further explain how customization of the generated code, please see the
following internal data I used.

The first is a vector of global options regarding the use of
variables -their name, constant values (recorded), and usage (as var, arg
or const), regarding defun name and doc string. All these can be changed,
to get a diffenret version of generated code.

The other is a list of 'code template', they represent the recorded commands
and references the variables in global options. Generated code come out of
this list.

(setq reclisp-global-options
      [(("var8" . ["var8" as-unused "h"])
        ("var7" . ["var7" as-var nil])
        ("var6" . ["var6" as-unused nil])
        ("var5" . ["var5" as-unused nil])
        ("var4" . ["var4" as-var "ch"])
        ("var3" . ["var3" as-var nil])
        ("var2" . ["var2" as-arg "ear"])
        ("var1" . ["var1" as-unused nil]))
       "List of latest recorded commands."])

(setq reclisp-code-template
      (((isearch-forward nil 1))
       ((isearch-other-control-char nil))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var1") (point-marker))
        (write-var . "var1")
        (orig-cmd set-mark-command nil))
       ((search-forward (concat "is"
(reclisp-want-var-name-or-value "var2")))
        (read-var . "var2"))
       ((search-forward (concat "is"
(reclisp-want-var-name-or-value "var2")))
        (read-var . "var2"))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var3") (point-marker))
        (write-var . "var3")
        (orig-cmd set-mark-command nil))
       ((forward-word 1))
       ((forward-word nil))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var4")
               (reclisp-want-var-name "var3")
        (write-var . "var4")
        (read-var . "var3")
        (orig-cmd cua-copy-region nil))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var5") (point-marker))
        (write-var . "var5")
        (orig-cmd set-mark-command nil))
       ((end-of-buffer nil))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var6") (point-marker))
        (write-var . "var6")
        (orig-cmd set-mark-command nil))
       ((insert (reclisp-want-var-name-or-value "var4"))
        (read-var . "var4")
        (orig-cmd yank nil))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var7") (point-marker))
        (write-var . "var7")
        (orig-cmd set-mark-command nil))
       ((backward-char 2))
       ((setq (reclisp-want-var-name "var8")
               (reclisp-want-var-name "var7")
        (write-var . "var8")
        (read-var . "var7")
        (orig-cmd cua-copy-region nil))
       ((forward-char 1))))

I have not implemented a customization user interface yet, and I want
suggestions. Actually the recording is also incomplete - what's missing
include yank-in-minibuffer recording.


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