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Re: position on changing defaults?

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: Re: position on changing defaults?
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 14:30:24 -0800

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

  > >   selection with Shift-arrow keys
  > Not sure about this one.  I've been using cua-selection-mode (well,
  > enabling rather than using, really) for a little while now and
  > I basically don't notice it, so it looks like it might be worth
  > enabling.  But I think for it to be enabled by default, we may want to
  > integrate it more tightly so that it doesn't need post-command-hook,
  > for example.

That's why I said "selection with Shift-arrow keys", not

  > > - show-paren-mode on by default
  > Never liked it.  Is it really that popular?

That's hard to measure, isn't it?  In _my_ experience it is.
Or more likely: blink-matching-open is unpopular, and in general
blinking cursor is downright hated by many people. 

  > > - iswitchb-mode on by default
  > I'd rather improve the general completion mechanism, than only improve
  > it for buffer selection.

That would be great too.  But we also need to consider the fact iswitch
is here now, it works and is useful, improvements to completion are not
available yet (or even in the works?).

  > > - hide-ifdef-mode on by default for C/C++/objc
  > What does it provide by default (other than hiding #if 0...#endif)?
  > Last I checked I got the impression that this package requires
  > configuration to be useful, so enabling it by default doesn't help much.
  > Did I miss something?

It is useful without configuration too, it can be used to hide/show
ifdef blocks.  It is even more useful if you tell it what variables are 
It does not get in the way if not used.

  > > - flyspell-mode on by default for text-mode
  > I indeed have it on in text-mode (and programming modes as well, as
  > a matter of fact), 

Same here.

Another related point: flyspell-prog-mode is even more obscure than
flyspell.  How do we make it's availability more obvious to programmers?

  > but I haven't given any thought to enabling it by default.  I think
  > it might be a bit too brittle currently to be enabled by default: it
  > usually works just fine, but I've had problems with it every once in
  > a while.

I don't share that experience... How about we try it on and see if any
problems show up? There's plenty of time to disable it again until the
next release. 

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