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Re: Neat features in Eclipse editor

From: paul r
Subject: Re: Neat features in Eclipse editor
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:08:34 +0100

2008/3/25, Richard Stallman <address@hidden>:
> When you switch from workspace A to workspace B, does your current
>  window configuration get recorded as workspace A?

Yes, it does.

>  The configurations should have names, not single letters.

I firstly had an implementation using names. Then I changed it for
single letters, because it saves a lot of time when switching. But
this can be changed back easily.

> This predefined "gud" perspective should have a window
>  for displaying source, and windows for displaying other things.
>  Each window should have tabs for switching between the various
>  things you can view in that window.

I often use mode hooks to call `workspace-goto-or-create' before, so
that mode-specific automatic windows reorganisation happen in a
dedicated workspace. I then use C-c C-d space to swap workspaces. As
an example, calendar/diary is hooked so that I'm taken to workspace
'c' before windows reorganisation happens.

Concerning the tabs, I'm not sure to see what they are. But if I
understand correctly, my opinion is that buffer switching is superior
and less intrusive. But, clearly, buffer switching prompt should be
dependant of current worspace/window/subframe etc. so that the choice
proposed, the order of buffer, the completion mechanism etc make you
reach what you are after quickly, and avoid unrelated buffers prompt

>  Your code might be the start of this feature, but a convenient
>  smooth perspectives feature would do a lot more than this.

No doubt. A friend of mine knows eclipse, I'll ask for a demo.

I noticed some typo in the previous past of the workspaces code, sorry
about that, below is the exact same code with typo corrected.

-- Paul

;; Multi-workspaces
;; Author : Paul Rivier <paul dot r dot ml at gmail dot com>
;; Load this file, then use C-c C-d [any character] to switch
;; to workspace specified
;; Special keys are :
;;  - TAB to show workspaces list                       
;;  - space to swap with last workspace                 
;;  - DEL to kill current workspace                     
;;  - RET to restore current workspace to its saved state

(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))


(defvar current-workspace nil "Workspace you are currently in")
(defvar default-workspace ?1
  "This workspace will be created at init time. You can not delete
this workspace. When killing a workspace, you fallback to
(defvar workspaces-list nil "List of open workspaces")


(global-set-key "\C-c\C-d" 'workspace-goto)

(lexical-let ((last-workspace default-workspace))
  ;; above : vars -- below : functions
  (labels ((workspaces-list-sort
            ;;      "Sort list workspaces-list, save and return it."
            (setq workspaces-list
                  (sort workspaces-list
                        (lambda (a b)
                          (< (car a) (car b))))))
            ;;      "Add current configuration to workspaces list under wsid."
            (setq workspaces-list
                   (cons wsid (current-window-configuration))
            ;;      "Save current workspace."
            (workspace-delete current-workspace)
            (workspaces-list-add current-workspace))
            ;;      "Delete workspace wsid."
            (setq workspaces-list
                  (assq-delete-all wsid workspaces-list)))
            ;;      "Return a list of workspaces ids."
            (mapcar #'car workspaces-list))
            ;;      "Create a new workspace with id wsid."
            (workspace-goto ?0)
            (workspaces-list-add wsid)
            (workspace-goto wsid))
            ;;          "kill the workspace you are currently in"
            (if (not (or (eq current-workspace default-workspace)
                         (eq current-workspace ?0)))
                (let ((cws current-workspace)
                      (lws last-workspace))
                  (workspace-goto default-workspace)
                  (workspace-delete cws)
                  (setq last-workspace default-workspace)
                  (concat "\nWorkspace "
                          (char-to-string cws) " killed"))
              (concat "\nSpecial workspaces "
                      (char-to-string current-workspace)
                      " can not be killed")))
            ;;      "Return t if workspace wsid exists."
            (when (assoc wsid workspaces-list) t)))

    ;; externaly bound functions

    (defun workspaces-init ()
      "Initialize workspaces-list and others"
      (setq workspaces-list nil)
      (workspaces-list-add ?0)
      (setq current-workspace ?0)
      (workspace-goto-or-create default-workspace))

    (defun workspace-goto-or-create (wsid)
      "If workspace wsid exists, goto it, else create it."
      (if (workspace-exists-p wsid)
          (workspace-goto wsid)
        (workspace-create-new wsid)))

    (defun workspace-goto (wsid)
      "Go to another workspace, wsid is workspace identifier. wsid
can be any character, except those mentioned below. Workspace 0
is a template workspace, do not use it unless you know what you
do. Special characters are :
 - TAB to show workspaces list                  
 - space to swap with last workspace                    
 - DEL to kill current workspace                        
 - RET to restore current workspace to its saved state"
      (interactive "cTo which workspace do you want to go ? ")
      (let ((wscfgcons (assoc wsid workspaces-list))
            (special ""))
        (if wscfgcons
              (unless (eq wsid current-workspace)
              (set-window-configuration (cdr wscfgcons))
              (unless (or (eq current-workspace ?0)
                          (eq wsid current-workspace))
                (setq last-workspace current-workspace))
              (setq current-workspace wsid)
              (when (eq wsid ?0)
                (setq special
                      "\n!-!-! This is template workspace. New workspaces are 
based on it.")))
          ;; Workspace does not exist, it might be a special key
           ((eq wsid 9) ; 9 is TAB
           ((eq wsid 13) ; 13 is RET
            (workspace-goto current-workspace)
           ((eq wsid 32) ; 32 is space
            (workspace-goto last-workspace))
           ((eq wsid 127) ; 127 is DEL (backspace)
            (setq special (workspace-kill-current)))
           ;; it is not a special key, create workspace
            (when (y-or-n-p
                   "This workspace does not exist, should it be created ? ")
              (workspace-create-new wsid)))))
        (message (concat "Now on workspace " (char-to-string current-workspace)
                         "\nWorkspaces list is : "
                         (mapconcat 'char-to-string
                                    (remq ?0 (workspaces-id-list)) "  ")

;; HOOKS ;;
;; base workspaces 0 and default are created at startup only

(unless workspaces-list (workspaces-init))

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