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Re: Kickstarter for Emacs

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: Kickstarter for Emacs
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 16:27:41 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Tom <address@hidden> writes:

>> Not sure how well that works right now, but that might be a rather
>> cheap option to catch up on Java support in Emacs.  The downside of
>> this approach is of course that you still need Eclipse...
> Yes, this is also an option which needs much less time to effort to
> implement, though I think people were much less likely to fund such a
> solution if they would still need to use Eclipse.

Not sure.  Just having Eclipse installed doesn't bother me too much.
Having it running and consuming memory/CPU doesn't bother me, too.  What
really bothers me is that even when using Eclipse with its Emacs
keybinding scheme enabled, it's still hard to use.  I want my kill-ring,
I want keyboard macros, I want my isearch, etc...

> So this implementation would be more like a best effort, "working on
> it in my free time" version than full time, crowdfunded version.

Sure, but even with full-time initial development and crowdfunding, I
think you underestimate the effort needed for catching up on Eclipse's
Java support.  According to the statistics at Ohloh


the Eclipse Java Development Tools are about 2 million LOC, estimated
effort ~600 person-years, estimated costs ~33 million USD, ~30 active
committers, and ~90 committers in total.  Ok, you shouldn't take those
numbers to seriously, but well, it's much anyway.


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