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Re: Build failure on MS-Windows

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: Build failure on MS-Windows
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:18:46 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Richard Copley wrote:

> I'm pretty sure this sequence of commands will give you a clean up-to-date
> branch in all situations (I'm no bzr expert, and it might be doing too much
> or not enough, but it seems to work for me):
> bzr clean-tree --unknown --ignored --detritus --verbose --force
> bzr revert --no-backup
> bzr pull --overwrite
> bzr update
> Then you can run autogen.sh, msyconfig.sh and make, in MSYS.

Why not

rm -rf /path/to/emacs/
bzr branch ...

It's the only way to be _really_ sure. ;)

(I'd recommend the standard, documented make bootstrap over either of
the above methods.)

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