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Re: Emacs rewrite in a maintainable language

From: Przemysław Wojnowski
Subject: Re: Emacs rewrite in a maintainable language
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 22:43:30 +0200
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W dniu 13.10.2015 o 17:05, Eli Zaretskii pisze:
IMHO the performance is overestimated.

I don't think it is (see below).  But in any case, I was simply
responding to a wish, which you deleted, that said:
I deleted it on purpose, because I was referring to the "performance argument"
that is very often used in this thread. IMHO the argument is invalid when performance is good enough. In such case other things matter more.

Look at Java based IDEs - Idea, Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.
All of them have been written in _slow_ Java (at least according
to C standard) and run on _slow_ JVM. But all of them are able to
attract more users that Emacs, which has core in blazing fast C.

Err... isn't "IDE" the subject of another thread?

In this thread, we are not talking about attracting more users, we are
talking about attracting more _developers_ for the core C code.
Not exactly, this (sub)thread is about validity of "performance" argument.
What I said was: users choose IDE using other criteria, when it performance is good enough.

Therefore, I think efforts to improve the documentation, commentary,
and readability of the code will yield higher gains faster than
switching to another language.
I'm not sure about "higher gains" in longer perspective, but they definitely
will help.

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