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Re: poor additions in quail/latin-ltx

From: Dave Love
Subject: Re: poor additions in quail/latin-ltx
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 21:04:29 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Reiner Steib <address@hidden> writes:

> \glq, \glqq, ... are defined in the babel LaTeX package (see "texdoc
> babel", table 4 or babel/babel.def and babel/*.ldf).  

Ah, that explains why I couldn't find them under texmf/tex/latex --
it's years since I looked at Babel.

> Yes, a menu similar to the math menu in AUCTeX (which uses Unicode
> characters in the menu when built with GTK) would be useful.  See [1]
> for an isolated demonstration of the math menu.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so after getting it working
for that.

However, as far as I remember, it needn't be confined to GTK.  I think
the Lucid and Motif menus should be able to display utf-8 in a utf-8
locale, at least with recent enough XFree86/X.org for Lucid.  I don't
recall the details, though, and I think the Lucid menu code needs
fixing in some way.  It should at least try not to display junk, as it
currently does if you use text that isn't encodable in the locale.

By the way, the AUCTeX menu has the same problem as mine with text
mode menus -- you don't get type-able keys for most of the items, and
they're obviously useful to have in the absence of a mouse.  I think
TMM should avoid non-ASCII characters for that, e.g. not do this:

Possible completions are:
0==>±  (plus-minus sign)           ∓==>∓  (minus-or-plus sign)
1==>×  (multiplication sign)       2==>÷  (division sign)
−==>−  (minus sign)                ∗==>∗  (asterisk operator)
⋆==>⋆  (star operator)             ○==>○  (white circle)
•==>•  (bullet)                    3==>·  (middle dot)
∩==>∩  (intersection)              ∪==>∪  (union)
⊎==>⊎  (multiset union)            ⊓==>⊓  (square cap)
⊔==>⊔  (square cup)                ∨==>∨  (logical or)
∧==>∧  (logical and)               ∖==>∖  (set minus)
≀==>≀  (wreath product)

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