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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: bizarre planner behavior

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: bizarre planner behavior
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 09:26:57 -0400

In a message dated: Thu, 27 May 2004 10:09:53 +0800
Sacha Chua said:

>address@hidden writes:
>>  #A1  _ Get new systems into FAI config        {{Tasks:113}} (2004.05.26)
>>  #A2  _ Printers                               {{Tasks:117}} ([[Printers]])
>>  #A0  _ New Users {{Tasks:119}} (2004.05.26)
>That's odd. Why do you have mixed dates and plan page references on
>the same page? Usually, all links from a date page point to plan
>pages, and all links from a plan page point to a date page.

I'm going to guess because it's because I entered [[Printers]] as the 
'default page' for that task.  That doesn't bother me so much as the 
double Tasks entry getting inserted.

>When you create a task from a buffer, it prompts you for a date and a
>plan page. It looks like the date prompt's getting skipped and you're
>entering dates into the plan page prompt, which is why they're getting
>linked like that...

Errr, I don't think so...  I'll check and see what I'm doing, 
sometimes my fingers do strange things on the keyboard when they're 
on autopilot and my brain isn't necessarilly aware of what's going on :)

>What should the correct behavior be when someone enters a date-like
>name into the "Plan page" prompt? I guess I could use it instead of
>the date entered during the "Date" prompt. Does this sound reasonable?

Well, I look at there being two pieces of information being required:

 - A date you wish to enter for when the task should be scheduled
 - A plan page which may also have notes or sub/dependant tasks 
   related to that task.

Often times, I'll schedule a task which doesn't have a plan page, and 
all notes for the task, if any, will be in that current day page.  
Or, perhaps, I want the task linked to a previous day page which has 
related information in it.  Perhaps I'm mis-using planner :)

>Could you try deleting the tasks and creating them with M-x
>planner-create-task-from-buffer like so?
>M-x planner-create-task-from-buffer RET Get new systems into FAI config RET 20
>04.05.26 RET RET
>(or nil RET if you don't want any plan page)
>M-x planner-create-task-from-buffer RET Printers RET RET Printers RET
>M-x planner-create-task-from-buffer RET New Users RET RET nil RET

I think that's exactly what I do, albeit via a key-binding C-c C-t.

Hmmm, using 'nil RET' resulted in a [[nil]] page.  Is that correct behavior?

Here's what I now end up with when I do the above verbatim:

 #A0  _ New Users {{Tasks:125}} ([[nil]])
 #A0  _ Printers {{Tasks:124}} ([[Printers]])
 #A0  _ Get new systems into FAI config {{Tasks:123}} ([[nil]])

So, it's not doing what it was doing when I sent this in, so perhaps 
either I was doing something wrong, or, I tla updated since then and 
it got fixed :)

>planner-create-task-hook really should just affect the current line.
>Is planner-id-add-task-id-to-all anywhere in one of your hooks?

I can almost definitively say no to that, since a) I've never seen 
that (hook, function, variable?) before, and
'grep planner-id-add-task ~/.xemacs/init.el ~/lisp/planner-mine.el' 
yields nothing.


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