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[emacs-wiki-discuss] bizarre planner behavior

From: pll+ew
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] bizarre planner behavior
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 11:21:23 -0400

I'm hesitant to call this a bug, but it began happening this morning 
after a 'tla update' of --dev.

I have a task list:

 #A1  _ Get new systems into FAI config        {{Tasks:113}} (2004.05.26)
 #A2  _ Printers                               {{Tasks:117}} ([[Printers]])

I run planner-create-task-from-buffer to create:

 #A0  _ New Users {{Tasks:119}} (2004.05.26)

But the list I end up with is:

 #A0  _ New Users {{Tasks:119}} (2004.05.26)
 #A1  _ Get new systems into FAI config       {{Tasks:113}} {{Tasks:119}} 
 #A2  _ Printers                              {{Tasks:117}} ([[Printers]])

Why is #A1 getting the {{Tasks:119}} added to it's line?  These are 
completely unrelated tasks.  Am I doing something I should be?

Also note. I did, just this morning, (setq planner-add-task-at-end-flag t),
so, I though perhaps that's doing it?  I just set that to nil, and 
tried adding a new task, but the same thing happens.



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