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[emacs-wiki-discuss] choosing to annotate tasks or not

From: Yvonne Thomson
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] choosing to annotate tasks or not
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 15:00:58 +1000
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.11.3 (Wonderwall) Emacs/21.3 Mule/5.0 (SAKAKI)


I've got a minor problem with planner-create-task-from-buffer and,
incidentally, remember. The problem is, what the heck do you do if
you *don't* want your context saved? 

The thing is this. I'm currently working in a small home office with my
husband. I'll be in the middle of something, programming or reading
emailing or in irc or something, and he'll ask me if I could do
something, or ask me to write something down. The same thing with
incoming calls. They've almost never got anything to do with what I'm
looking at at the time. 

So with remember it's not too bad. Just delete the annotation line. But
what do you do with tasks? You end up with completely irrelevant
references to the email you were reading at the time or the web page you
were looking at. Interesting for historical reasons maybe, <grin> but
not altogether useful. 

I looked at a couple of things. Using planner-create-task instead,
passing it arguments. This would work, but would mean I have to write my
own function to ask for the plan page, since planner-create-task assumes
you're on a plan page when you run it. My original thought was to create
a function in planner-annotation-functions at the beginning which
checked for a variable called planner-task-no-annotations to be true. If
it was it'd try to fake it claim to have created an annotation when it
hadn't. which didn't work, since planner-create-task kept giving me from
with no annotations.

What I've ended up doing is defining a function
called planner-create-task-no-annotation which, within the context of
that function, sets planner-annotation-functions to nil and runs
planner-create-task-from-buffer interactively. I'll probably end up
doing the same thing with remember. Then I'll just create keybindings to
both commands and use the appropriate one at the appropriate time.

The question is, as usual, have I missed an easier way to do this? I
swear, if there's a variable tucked away somewhere I'll hit myself with
a mallet, <grin>. Should I have tried something else? Or is this just
heading down the path of reactive tasks, and I should be shot for even
considering such an evil thing.

Any comments?

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