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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] How is hierarchy supposed to work?

From: TC
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] How is hierarchy supposed to work?
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 02:20:52 +0100

> > If I have a subdirectory ... what is the correct link syntax?  I've tried 
> > (from 
> > a file one level up):
> > 
> >     Here is a link to [[subdir/SubFile][SubFile]]
> Also, I tried this:
>     Here is a link to [[SubFile][SubFile]]

One more thing - WikiIndex.html is completely wrong either way.  It
never takes heed of the hierarchy - all of its links point to files
in the top level publish directory.

(As I said, I'm using stable.  I had been on Gary's branch, but took
a recent comment of Sacha's to mean that his hierarchy stuff had
been merged. But maybe that merge was to Sacha's development
branch?  In which case, I'm an idiot and should be ignored 


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