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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] planner-gnus issues/requests

From: Seth Falcon
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] planner-gnus issues/requests
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 07:06:02 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (darwin)

On 14 Nov 2005, address@hidden wrote:

> Hello!
> On Mon 14 Nov 2005 02:47 +0100, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> If you have gnus configured to show the group, summary, and article
>> buffers all in one frame, it will work better.  Otherwise, probably
>> not.
> Ehm, probably a stupid question, but how can you set up gnus to use
> only one frame for all its buffer? This would be very useful for me,
> too ;-)

I've included below the config I have in .gnus.el which may get you
started.  It sets things up like this (pic stolen from gnus info
Window Layout doc):

          | G | Summary |
          | r +---------+
          | o |         |
          | u | Article |
          | p |         |

It also is opens a new frame for composing messages.  However, it
doesn't open a new frame for replies :-(

You should be able to read the gnus manual from Emacs using C-h i and
then finding gnus.

This maybe is getting too off topic for this list, sorry folks.

+ seth

;; Window configuration, all taken from the Window Layout section of
;; the gnus manual.

;; a new frame for new mails
   (frame 1.0
          (if (not (buffer-live-p gnus-summary-buffer))
              (car (cdr (assoc 'group gnus-buffer-configuration)))
            (car (cdr (assoc 'summary gnus-buffer-configuration))))
          (vertical ((user-position . t) (top . 50) (left . -50)
                     (name . "Message"))
                    (message 1.0 point)))))

   (horizontal 1.0
               (vertical 25 (group 1.0))
               (vertical 1.0
                         (summary 0.16 point)
                         (article 1.0)))))

   (horizontal 1.0
               (vertical 25 (group 1.0))
               (vertical 1.0 (summary 1.0 point)))))

(setq gnus-always-force-window-configuration t)

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