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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Questions regarding planner-trunk

From: Seth Falcon
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Questions regarding planner-trunk
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 17:59:36 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (darwin)

Hi Michael,

On 26 Nov 2005, address@hidden wrote:
> Here's how I use planner-mode for GTD:
> - Day pages: I use the day pages as calendar-replacement, i.e. for
> actions that have to be done on that specific day or appointments
> and so on.  Therefore I want to use planner-appt and planner-diary,
> but the last time I tried both there was this infinite loop thing
> (s. mailing list). I also use the day pages as tickler file.

FWIW, I'm using planner-appt and not experiencing infinite loop
issues.  I'm using the latest patches of muse and planner-muse with a
relatively recent GNU Emacs CVS on OS X.

> - Tasks: Every idea, every project and every action gets a
> planner-task with default priority "B".  Projects go to the
> "_Projects"-page and get a new plan page for the actions of this
> project. Project actions go to the project page, optional to the
> _NextActions page and max. one context list.  But all go to the
> _AllActions page.  At this time I do this by hand. I still need a
> function to create a task without date (i.e. date "nil") which asks
> for a context and an editable pagelist with "_AllActions" and
> "_Nextactions" as default or a "planner-create-task-next-action"
> which only asks for context and project-page.

Here is my modified planner-read-task function (thanks to Sacha for
help in customizing).  It creates tasks without a date unless you call
it with the universal prefix C-u.  It lists TaskPool as the default
plan page, but this would be easy to change to _Nextactions.  With
planner-multi you can add your context pages and any plan pages
without a special interface to ask you.

(defun seth/planner-read-task ()
  "Return a list of information for a task."
   (read-string "Describe task: ")
   ;; This part changes
   (when current-prefix-arg
     (if (condition-case nil (calendar-cursor-to-date) (error nil))
         (planner-date-to-filename (calendar-cursor-to-date))
       (let ((planner-expand-name-favor-future-p
              (or planner-expand-name-favor-future-p
   (when planner-use-plan-pages
     (let ((planner-default-page "TaskPool"))
(defalias 'planner-read-task 'seth/planner-read-task)

Also, with planner-multi, you can automaticaly have a copy of all
tasks go to _AllActions by doing:

(setq planner-multi-copy-tasks-to-page "[[_AllActions][A]]")

> What I already have is a planner-mark-tasks-hook (partly from you
> and Sacha) which removes the task from _NextActions or _WaitingFor
> and copies it to the daily page if it gets marked as done or
> canceled.  If the task gets marked as pending ("P") it will be
> removed from _NextActions and will be copied to _WaitingFor.

Oh, that sounds useful.

> I'm looking for a possibility to mark the task-creation date and the
> pending date (when was it copied over to _WaitingFor?). The task-end
> date is marked by copying it to the daily page.

Hmm, I was toying with the idea of timestamps for tasks.  I'm not sure
how useful it would be, but it could be kind of nice to see when a
task was created.  I imagine it would work similar to the id
mechanism, but add a timestamp instead.


+ seth

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