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Re: [emms-help] Re: darcs patch: emms-player-mplayer.el (emms-player-mpl

From: Jorgen Schaefer
Subject: Re: [emms-help] Re: darcs patch: emms-player-mplayer.el (emms-player-mplayer-subtitle-c...
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 03:05:04 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.90 (gnu/linux)

Andrea Russo <address@hidden> writes:

> Jorgen Schaefer <address@hidden> writes:
>> Thank you. I have applied a patch that replaces slashes in track
>> names with underscores, which should happen anyhow in this case,
>> not just for remote media.
> Why replace slashes with underscores here?  I can't see the reason.

The problem you described was that `file-exists-p' throws an error
in `emms-player-mplayer-subtitle-checker'. This is because it
tries to open a file called http://www.archive.org/....sub - which
will invoke tramp, leading to the error you describe. As the
subtitle file should not include slashes (that makes it read like
it's in a directory, which it shouldn't be, AFAIK), replacing the
slashes with underscores should prevent both the invocation of
tramp as well as the subdirectory confusion.

> In any case this didn't solve the problem I described.

Interesting, it did for me. Does the backtrace show slashes in the
subtitle files still? Could you attach another backtrace?

        -- Jorgen

((email . "address@hidden") (www . "http://www.forcix.cx/";)
 (gpg   . "1024D/028AF63C")   (irc . "nick forcer on IRCnet"))

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