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[Fab-user] put() and command line args

From: Philip Jacob
Subject: [Fab-user] put() and command line args
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 12:35:43 -0400

I'm trying to do the following, which I think will be clear from this example:

        fab upload path/to/file.html another/file.html yet/another/file.html

... such that my upload() method will basically take a list of files on the command line and then put() each of them onto the fab_hosts. However, fab assumes that path/to/file.html is a command that I want to execute.

I want to believe that others have happened across this already, but I have seen no evidence of this in the mail archives.

I think there are two basic use cases when uploading a list of files:

1) you want to upload a few files (i.e. 5 or so)

2) you want to upload a ton of files (hundreds, etc.)

In case #2, it makes more sense to create a file containing the list of files to upload and just iterate over that. In case #1, convenience rules.

Does anybody have any thoughts or am I missing something totally obvious?


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